Re-watch your movie then select a 10 minute scene and evaluate the listening techniques of the main characters. Point out the good listening techniques from the book, and assess the effectiveness of the perceived listening. Describe the following:What was the topic which was being addressed?What level of listening was being used?What internal/external barriers to effective listening were observed?Hypothesize how these barriers could be overcome.If you were to counsel one of the lead characters, what listening goals would you give for him/her? Explain.Cite all references correctly using APA.Assess the culture of the characters in the movie:What was the culture of the main characters of the movie?How does the main characters culture relate to members of different cultures?Was the main characters culture one that he/she was raised with or was it chosen by the character?Find three elements concerning culture from your text and apply them to the movie, make sure you cite your source(s) using APA.

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HIV AIDS Movie Reflection

2-3 pages of reflection for the followings:Description: What happened?  Give a brief synopsis of the story (movie)Feelings: What is your reaction to this story? Be honest and professionalEvaluation and Analysis: What are some positive and negative things you observed in this story?  What sense can you make of the situation? Examine various characters and their multiple perspectives: differences, similarities, perceptions of the situationConclusions and actions: what could have been done differently?  How could a nurse in this story: (pick one)promote health and well beingenhance acceptance and understandingalleviate sufferingHere is the movie list of your choice:Dallas Buyers Club (2013)The Ryan White Story (1989)Rent (2005),Yesterday (2004)How to survive a plague (2012)The Lazarus effect (2010)And the band played on (1993)We were here (2010)

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unit 1 discussion

Your instructor will assign one of the three stages of development listed below, along with the phases and tasks associated with each stage of adolescent development. See Chapter 3 in your Neinstein’s text for reference. After reading your textbook, please include the following in your discussion:Provide an evidence-based anticipatory guideline for the topic you are assigned.Include the types of questions you will ask the adolescent and the parent to elicit information and identify at least two potential risk factors of development.For potential risk factors identified, discuss how you will approach and manage the situation.*****Neinstein’s adolescent and young adult health care: a practical guide(THIS IS THE TEXT FOR THIS CLASS)****Stages of Development:Early Adolescence● Cognitive Development● Movement Toward Independence● Body Image● Peer Group● Identity DevelopmentMiddle Adolescence● Cognitive Development● Movement Toward Independence● Body Image● Peer Group● Identity Development******my topic ****** middle adolescent identity developmentLate Adolescence● Cognitive Development● Movement Toward Independence● Body Image● Peer Group● Identity Development

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Community Teaching Plan

Education Topic is Flu Prevention/VaccinationsPopulation children and adults ages 12 and up

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For expert_researcher

i need help

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paraphrase article and fill out attached table of evidence with content in article as required by each section of the table.

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1 PAGE, 3 REFERENCES Discussion Question: DUE TODAY 7/27 BEFORE 9PM

In order for organizations to receive the incentives offered through the HITECH legislation, they must be able to demonstrate that they are using the technology in meaningful ways. The following criteria for meaningful use must be evident to qualify for EHR incentives (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). The technology must:Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparitiesEngage patients and familiesImprove care coordinationImprove population and public healthEnsure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health informationFor this Discussion you consider the impact of the meaningful use criteria of the HITECH legislation on the adoption of health information technology.To prepare:Review the Learning Resources on the HITECH legislation and its primary goals.Reflect on the positive and negative impact this legislation has had on your organization or one with which you are familiar.Consider the incentives to encourage the use of EHRs. Focus on the definition of meaningful use and how it is measured.Reflect on how the incentives and meaningful use impact the quality of patient care.Find an article in the Walden Library dealing with one of the criteria to qualify for meaningful use and how it has been successfully met.Post a description ofhow HITECH legislation has positively or negatively impacted your organization.Address how its related incentives influence the adoption of health information technology in health care and impact the quality of patient care.Provide a summary of the article you identified and explain how it demonstrates the ability of health information technology to meet the requirements of meaningful use.

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How does an active board of directors affect the implementation of strategic goals?

How does an active board of directors affect the implementation of strategic goals?

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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Hi,I have attached the workbook need to complete and also attached the helpbook.Need to answer all questions in a same book.No word limit. All answers should be detailed.

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Chapter 3 drives your clinical project plan. Create a step-by-step outline with brief notes from the beginning to the end of the planned capstone clinical hours. Each movement you have to make should be carefully planned out. How many days do you expect this to take? Have you avoided any words/terms that might make it appear as research instead of a project (study, hypothesis, variable, power, etc.)? Are your materials ready? What questions do you have.

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