Write a response in no more than 150 words to the following discussion 2

Read the aticles and write in a response in no more than 150 words. Write each response in no more thsn 150 words.Article 1:ArttttArticle 1:SubscribeThere are some different variables Marvin and his group ought to consider before they settle on choice on bidding. One is Capability – Marvin and his group ought to assess their ability in dealing with long haul ventures like these by investigating their labour, income and different assets. Second is Historical Analysis – To submit bids, Marvin and his group ought to assess their past information on what number of bids they got made benefit for his organization and what number of wound up as lost endeavours. This causes them to comprehend purposes behind lost ventures and aides in avoiding them in future. Third is Long-term technique – Consider whether this undertaking falls under organization’s long haul objectives like moving to next level by taking care of huge ventures or growing to new Geo-graphical areas. In spite of what your association’s long haul objectives, guarantee you are distinguishing and following tasks that line up with those destinations. Fourth is thought regarding competitors and valuing – Marvin and his group should know who are competing them and their business techniques and assess the choices to beat them. Understanding the pricing and current market patterns encourages Marvin group to think of best cost to win the bid with most extreme profitability.Indeed, Marvin should bid on this due to a few elements. Long haul benefit – now days, long haul ventures like these wind up plainly uncommon, it’s a decent chance to for Marvin organization. Because of bigger business base, benefits and profit per share are high, which help in expanding organization’s income. Winning huge contracts like these surrender moral lift and inspiration for their staff, which give better outcomes in future too. It gives more piece of the pie in this business and notoriety which permits to concentrate on different customers with high net revenues. In the event that organization chose to not bid on this, the organization could be expelled from bidder’s rundown, which is not something worth being thankful for a business that needs to develop and extend.REFERENCES:http://www.constructconnect.com/blog/operating-insights/key-factors-consider-bidno-bid-decision-making/https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140814164605-38605958-to-bid-or-not-to-bid-that-is-the-question-7-factors-to-considerArticle 2:1) Why do some executives refuse to function as Project Sponsors?There are numerous reasons why they refuse to function as project sponsor. One of the reason is sponsors are held responsible for the failure or success. Not all projects are bound to succeed and hence executives are scared to take responsibility. Also, the sponsor can’t micromanaged the project. The manager does all the duties and sponsor just makes few important decisions. The sponsor doesn’t have full control of the project and this prevents them taking full responsibility.2) Can an executive be forced to function as a Project Sponsor?I think there is nothing that can prevent CEO’s from forcing executives to become project sponsors. However, making such decisions can have negative impacts on the quality of project being delivered. Project sponsor along with project manager are the most important people in the project. Their outmost commitment and dedication are crucial to the project. Before any executive is forced to become a project sponsor, the CEO should make sure the executive is willing to give his best and he is provided all the support to succeed. The CEO should let the sponsor know who all will be held responsible if the project fails. He should also give him list of all expectations he is looking forward from the new executive. This will make the role of the project sponsor clear to the new executive.3) Is it right for the sponsor to be the ultimate person responsible for the success or failure of the project?I don’t think the sponsor should be the ultimate person responsible for the success or failure of the project. Ideally, everyone involved should be responsible. However, the board should make the sponsor and the project manager responsible for the success or failure as they make all the important decisions. But, each of their responsibilities should be clearly defined and if anyone fails to act on their duties it should be recorded. In the case we read, we noticed how the sponsor was trying to avoid decisions.Article 3:The part of the project sponsor is basic to secure the project stores and to give a reasonable heading to the project. As per Kerzner (2013), “a definitive goal of the project sponsor is to give in the background help to extend work force for projects both “interior” to the organization, and in addition “outer”.” Project sponsors assume a noteworthy part and affect the achievement of projects. The progress to the part of project sponsor would require preparing and time to find out about the business. Project sponsors must have strong business information and magnificent relational abilities. In a few circumstances, the project sponsor has different obligations, which are very time requesting, and the extra duty would turn into an additional weight for them.By breaking down this case, I trust that an official could be compelled to go about as a sponsor, yet that would not be perfect. There would be challenges that would need to be beaten, for example, the assignment of obligation depicted for this situation. As per Kerzner (2013), “Activities can even now be fruitful without this dedication and support, as long as all work processes easily. Yet, having a “big brother” accessible as a conceivable sounding board will without doubt offer assistance.”I trust that a project is where all individuals require contribute so as to make progress so the duty ought to be shared. Project achievement ought to be a common obligation among the project group; the colleagues, project administrator, project sponsor, and others need to cooperate with a specific end goal to be useful.REFERENCE:Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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