TopicThe purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the field they are planning to enter. Examples of paper topics include: Registered Nurse, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Dental Hygienist, Physician Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Massage Therapist, Radiographic Technologist, etc. The Miami Dade College Campus’s (Medical Campus) Library has resources dedicated to these careers. Do not choose physicians or dentists, as a topic as this paper is not designed for those careers.FormatThe required format is APA 7th ed.o Using MS Word, the paper is to be neat, and well organized using correct spelling and grammar,o Students should use the information and resources located on the MDC Learning Resources Website at g=239325&p=1591789. There you will click on the corresponding tabs for each section of the paper to find resources. You will also find a tab for APA 7th ed. information and a Microsoft Word Template for you to use for this paper.A Cover Pageo In APA 7th ed. formato All pages are numberedBody of the Reporto In APA 7th ed. formato No abstract, introduction or author’s noteo The body length is three to four pages. No less than 3 and not to exceed 4 pages.o New Times Roman, 12-point font o One inch marginso Double spaced1
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