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Please prepare the write-ups on the following and submit them

CHOOSE ANY TWO TOPICS FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION:-BASIC KNOWELDGEWhat Is Ransomware?Types of RansomwareRansomware TimelineSCRUTINIZE “Why attacks of Ransomware can’t be stopped or skyrocketing?”Module Progress of Ransomware from disk wiper, Extortion, double extortion to RaaS model.Ransomware ATTACK LIFE CYCLEInfection Vectors:-  Phishing and Email Attachments ,Embedded Hyperlinks, Websites/downloads, and Drive-by Infections  and how to stop/prevent with such attacksCommon Exploit Kits Are Used in Ransomware attacksTechniques and tactics used by Ransomware groupCommand and Callback (C&C) and Indicators of CompromiseRansomware ResponderDefending / Detecting/ Containing  an Ransomware AttackRansomware operations & technical task involvedLessons Learned and Incident Response PlanPOST-ATTACKRansomware Victim’s companies names? Do some Google, web-scrapping & OSINT search for known and unknown names of companies.Ransomware Attack Simulation and Adversary to follow during Ransomware attackHelping organization for sanitization during Ransomware attack.For the same, you are requested to submit write-ups bearing the following guidelines:The write-up should be free of plagiarism.Write no more than 10 Pages and information should be relevant to the topic.Focus more on technicality & use Infographics wherever needed.Sent the write-up to your designated Team Leader for review before final submission.Mention the source of your research at the end of the Abstract.

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