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Case analysis

Your Case Project is based on McDonald’s Company it was developed by Professor Jamal Shamsie, Pace University and published by Dess, Lumpkin and Eisner “Strategic Management: Text and Cases” Textbook 4th edition, McGraw Hill, 2009. The Case represents real facts experienced by McDonald’s Restaurant turnaround strategy that was working but the firm still faced a rapidly fragmenting market where changes in the tastes of consumers have made once-exotic foods like sushi and burritos everyday options…______________________________________________________________________The case should be approached and written in a “Case Analysis” format..Attached is a link called “Case Analysis Process” which will guide you as to how to prepare and write this case study.Your case should include:A- Introduction of the CaseB- Statement of the Problem / Identify ProblemC- Conduct Strategic Analysis- Issues related to the caseD- Propose Alternatives SolutionsE- Make Recommendation / Select Appropriate SolutionThis case should be written in APA Style of Writing and no less than 5 pages in length. Not including cover page and reference pages. The elements for your case analysis and development from A to E should be titled and underlined throughout your paper.

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