1-1 Discussion: Final Project Fact Pattern

For this discussion post, define the fact pattern in the Netflix case study, which you read about in the following Module One articles and presentation:Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HRArticle: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture DocPresentation: Netflix Culture: Freedom & ResponsibilityThis information will be a key part of your final project for this course. According to Legal Dictionary, a fact pattern is “a concise description of all the occurrences or circumstances of a particular case, without any discussion of their consequences under the law.”In other words, it provides the basic information—who, what, when, where, and why (which we will call the 5W approach):Who: The individuals and organization involved in the issueWhat: The issue at hand. What variables have created the situation that needs resolution, and what facts regarding the individuals involved and the organization can be codified as factual statements.When: The timetable as to when the issue began and the approximate timeframe in which it must be settled. If not definitively known, provide an estimate of the duration.Where: The geographic location, department, or division in which the problem exists.Why: The drivers that created the situation needing resolution.How: The ways in which the organizational culture may directly and/or indirectly impact the negotiation in an interpersonal or organization conflict situation.

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