Week 8 Assignment
/in Uncategorized /by PeterModule 09 Written Assignment – Endocrine Disorders Guide
/in Uncategorized /by PeterCompetencyEvaluate responses to nursing interventions for clients with endocrine disorders.ScenarioYou are working as a nurse supervisor. You are finding a lot of new nurses are unfamiliar with certain endocrine disorders. You have decided to put together a guide for these nurses to educate them on different endocrine diseases and provide them with ways to provide quality multidimensional care.InstructionsCompare and contrast two endocrine disorders within the guide. Include the following information:Identify and compare the causes and diagnostic tests.Identify and compare the signs and symptoms of the disorder.Describe the nurses’ role in caring for a patient that suffers from this disorder to include the multidimensional aspects of nursing care.Identify how you will evaluate responses to the interventions taken for each disorder.
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/in Uncategorized /by PeterINTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSIONwrite the introduction and the conclusion of the research paper.Research TopicIs telehealthcare a good option for nursing homes?ThesisThe benefits of telehealthcare outweigh its shortcoming, and it is thus wise to adopt it in the delivery of care with advancement in technologiesKeep these tips in mind:Your introduction should begin with a hook that draws the reader in.You need to provide background information on the issue at large and explain the two major arguments you will be exploring related to your issue.Your thesis statement must be present in your introduction paragraph and is typically the last sentence in the paragraph.Your conclusion should effectively summarize your paper, reminding your audience of the two major sides of the argument that you explored (positive and negative).It should bring closure to the essay.Both paragraphs should be written in third person.Be careful not to overuse tactics such as rhetorical questions or anecdotes.Outside sources are typically reserved for body paragraphs. If used in the introduction or conclusion, they must be used sparingly and include appropriate in-text citations according to APA style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/.
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comment from post 5
/in Uncategorized /by PeterThe thing that stands out for me is the following quote: “Man is not destroyed by suffering; he is destroyed by suffering without meaning” (Puchalski, 2001). Many struggle with the idea of suffering and illness and the reasons why – the meaning behind it/for it. If we can see no reason then the suffering is that much greater. From a medical perspective a physician may say you are suffering from a particular disease which carries particular manifestations and symptoms. It is the why and purpose that cannot be explained. This is where faith and religious beliefs/spirituality comes in. A physician may say you have the gene for breast cancer and that is why you have it but the real WHY lies elsewhere. What is true healing? Am I healed if I understand the why even if my body dies?I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE
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Global Leadership in Practice
/in Uncategorized /by PeterLocate a current news article, presentation, or interview on global leadership development in practice.You may also choose an article from a relevant industry journal, such as SHRM, ATD, or ILA.Your source must be within the last 5 years, and must specifically address one or more of the following:- Global leadership program design,- Global leadership development methods,- The role of HR in global leaderhsip development,- Or new understandings of GL development within an organization.In addition to the articles, you will find, also analyze the content of the article in the context of this week’s reading materials.Minimum of 4 cited referencesTextbook ReadingsMendenhall, M. E., Osland, J. S., Bird, A., Oddou, G. R., Stevens, M. J., Maznevski, M. L., & Stahl, G. K. (2018). Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development (3rd ed.). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.Chapter 1: Leadership and the birth of global leadershipChapter 2: The multidisciplinary roots of global leadershipChapter 3: An overview of the global leadership literatureChapter 10: Global leadership knowledge creation and transfer
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/in Uncategorized /by PeterCollaborative Practice Agreement
/in Uncategorized /by PeterI need you to rewrite this Collaborative Practice Agreement for Advanced Practice Nurses that uploaded . This model is used for my school and I need the exact contract . Please only change the effective contract date, Company name and the Nurse Practitioner Name.Effective contract date: 07/06/2018Company Name: Hoover Family MedicineNurse Practitioner: Maria Rodriguez-Gallo A.R.N.P-BC
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Biology Lab: Orchids, Roses and daisies and daisies (Due 20 and 40 hours)
/in Uncategorized /by PeterParts 1 and 2 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.APA format1) Minimum 20 pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per pageYou must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.The number of words in each paragraph should be similarPart 1: minimum 10 pagesPart 2: minimum 10 pages (Due 40 hours)Submit 1 document per part2)¨******APA normsThe number of words in each paragraph should be similarAll paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphThe writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.Bulleted responses are not acceptedDon’t write in the first personDon’t copy and paste the questions.Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraphSubmit 1 document per part3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)4) Minimum 8 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the nextExample:Q 1. Nursing is XXXXXQ 2. Health is XXXXQ3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:Example:Part 1.docPart 2.doc__________________________________________________________________________________Part 1: Biology Lab1. Describe three specific characteristics that all members of kingdom Plantae have in common (One paragraph)2. Identify a characteristic that mosses have in common with ferns, but not with conifers.(One paragraph)3. Identify a characteristic that ferns have in common with conifers, but not with mosses. (One paragraph)4. What characteristic determines whether a plant is considered nonvascular? (One paragraph)Check:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL0_fOOBCA0Read:https://microbiologynote.com/sphagnum/* Spanish moss is not a moss but a Bromeliad in the same family as pineapples.5. Describe Gametophyte and sporangium of moss (One paragraph)7. Describe Sporophyte and Rhizoid of moss (One paragraph)9. Describe Leaf‐like Structure, Antheridium and Archegonium (One paragraph)10. When visualizing moss, a low‐lying soft green plant may come to mind. (One paragraph)a. Would this visualization reflect the gametophyte, sporophyte, or rhizoid?11. Moss has a great number of leaf‐like structures over a small area.(One paragraph)a. How does this arrangement assist the leaves in interacting with their environment?12. Why are rhizoids not considered true roots?(One paragraph)13. Where is the sperm housed? (One paragraph)a. Where are the eggs housed?b. What conditions must exist for the sperm to reach the egg?14. Describe the similarities and differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms. (One paragraph)a.Why are conifers classified as gymnosperms and not angiosperms?15. In a conifer, where does the union of the egg and sperm occur? (One paragraph)a. How does sperm reach the egg?16. Describe the structure and shape of the conifer needle. (One paragraph)a. What is the role of the conifer needle?b. How does its structure help conserve water?17. What purpose do the root hairs serve? (One paragraph)c. What purpose does the tap root serve?18. What is the function of the seed coat? (One paragraph)a. What is the benefit of the stored carbohydrates in the seed?19. What generation, sporophyte or gametophyte, does the embryo of a seed represent?(One paragraph)20. Describe the function of Flower and Petiole (One paragraph)21. Describe the function of Leaf and Node (One paragraph)22. Describe the function of internode, Stem, and Roots (One paragraph)Specie monocot: bromeliadsSpecie dicot: daisies23. Describe the differences and similarities of flowers (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.24. Describe the differences and similarities of (One paragraph)a. Bromeliads Sheathb. Daisies Petiole25. Describe the differences and similarities of the leaf (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.26. Describe the differences and similarities of nodes (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.27. Describe the differences and similarities of internode (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.28. Describe the differences and similarities of the stem (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.29. Describe the differences and similarities of roots (One paragraph)a. Bromeliadsb. Daisies.Part 2: Biology Lab1. Describe three specific characteristics that all members of kingdom Plantae have in common (One paragraph)2. Identify a characteristic that mosses have in common with ferns, but not with conifers.(One paragraph)3. Identify a characteristic that ferns have in common with conifers, but not with mosses. (One paragraph)4. What characteristic determines whether a plant is considered nonvascular? (One paragraph)Check:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL0_fOOBCA0Read:https://microbiologynote.com/sphagnum/* Spanish moss is not a moss but a Bromeliad in the same family as pineapples.5. Describe Gametophyte and sporangium of moss (One paragraph)7. Describe Sporophyte and Rhizoid of moss (One paragraph)9. Describe Leaf‐like Structure, Antheridium and Archegonium (One paragraph)10. When visualizing moss, a low‐lying soft green plant may come to mind. (One paragraph)a. Would this visualization reflect the gametophyte, sporophyte, or rhizoid?11. Moss has a great number of leaf‐like structures over a small area.(One paragraph)a. How does this arrangement assist the leaves in interacting with their environment?12. Why are rhizoids not considered true roots?(One paragraph)13. Where is the sperm housed? (One paragraph)a. Where are the eggs housed?b. What conditions must exist for the sperm to reach the egg?14. Describe the similarities and differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms. (One paragraph)a.Why are conifers classified as gymnosperms and not angiosperms?15. In a conifer, where does the union of the egg and sperm occur? (One paragraph)a. How does sperm reach the egg?16. Describe the structure and shape of the conifer needle. (One paragraph)a. What is the role of the conifer needle?b. How does its structure help conserve water?17. What purpose do the root hairs serve? (One paragraph)c. What purpose does the tap root serve?18. What is the function of the seed coat? (One paragraph)a. What is the benefit of the stored carbohydrates in the seed?19. What generation, sporophyte or gametophyte, does the embryo of a seed represent?(One paragraph)20. Describe the function of Flower and Petiole (One paragraph)21. Describe the function of Leaf and Node (One paragraph)22. Describe the function of internode, Stem, and Roots (One paragraph)Specie monocot: OrchidsSpecie dicot: Roses23. Describe the differences and similarities of flowers (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.24. Describe the differences and similarities of (One paragraph)a. Orchids Sheathb. Roses Petiole25. Describe the differences and similarities of the leaf (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.26. Describe the differences and similarities of nodes (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.27. Describe the differences and similarities of internode (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.28. Describe the differences and similarities of the stem (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.29. Describe the differences and similarities of roots (One paragraph)a. Orchidsb. Roses.
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