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Identify a current research problem related to advanced nursing practice that is of interest to you. Include WHY this is a problem. (Limit response to no more than 3 sentences). Develop a research question to provide information about the research problem.Based on your research question, do you believe it will best be answered by a qualitative or quantitative study ? Support your decision as to why you believe the answers would best be provided by the type of study you have chosen.Select a middle-range theory and identify the application of nursing theories to your research problem.Conduct a literature review.Based on your literature review answer the following questions:If qualitative,Identify the purpose of the study.Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria. Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.If quantitative,Identify the purpose and design of the study.Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.  Explain the sampling method and the recruitment strategy was used.Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).Define the terms of validity and reliability, and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.Outline how the data were analyzed.Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study.Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study.Submission Instructions:The presentation is original work and logically organized.Follow current APA format including citation of references.The PowerPoint presentation should include 10-15 slides which are clear and easy to read.Speaker notes expand upon and clarify content on the slides.Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual)
Reply to the two post with two references on eachVarious databases provide reliable and valid information to the researcher depending on their topic of interest. I logged into the Walden University library, clicked on databases, changed the subject to nursing, and on searching, I accessed 15 databases. Out of these, I used the ProQuest Nursing and Health database to retrieve the article of interest. I selected two articles; the first source was titled Reflective Practice Groups in a Mental Health Inpatient Setting by Fenton and Kidd (Fenton & Kidd, 2019). This article explores the nursing staff’s experiences in a mental rehabilitation facility and participation in various reflective practice groups (RPGs). The second article was titled Challenges Faced by New Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Prescribers by Mangano and other researchers. This resource identifies challenges new psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner students encounter, including making decisions, adherence to medication treatment and observing symptom-related outcomes (Mangano et al., 2020). ProQuest Nursing and Health database provides reliable information for healthcare researchers on diverse healthcare topics. The resources on this platform are a perfect choice for people preparing for a career as healthcare providers, teaching patients and communities about healthcare, and participating in nursing research. The content allows the beneficiaries to connect theoretical and practical aspects, thus understanding healthcare from multiple perspectives.The database was a helpful platform for finding relevant articles. However, I faced various challenges during the search process. Firstly, locating the appropriate database with the relevant article was challenging. There were 15 databases, and I had to scroll through multiple databases before identifying ProQuest Nursing and Health database. This process can be confusing, particularly to beginners, who might face challenges navigating through available databases. It was challenging to select this database as I searched others like the CINAHL and Cochrane library before settling on it. This process is time-consuming; thus, the researcher must plan well for this search. Secondly, finding the relevant articles after entering the search terms was also challenging. Therefore, I filtered out my search words to narrow the search and display various articles in the database.ProQuest database would be instrumental to my colleagues. It contains substantial, valuable, and valid information that healthcare professionals can use to advance their knowledge and inform various evidence-based practices. My colleagues can use this database to conduct their research and find answers to different clinical questions and analyses. This database will facilitate research, provide valid literature for class discussion and clinical case studies, and help them connect theories to practice(ProQuest, 2022). These applications would make learning manageable and enjoyable, as information would be readily available. The articles on this platform are also affordable, making them easily accessible and available for students. However, learners must be careful when searching for the articles and the search terms they use. They should select precise terms and diversify their search to find multiple articles. Therefore, this database will help promote learning and knowledge acquisition.I would recommend this database to my colleagues because of its quality of articles. This platform has professional and peer-reviewed articles on various topics that my colleagues can compare and analyze during research. The articles also range in publication dates; hence, researchers can access old and new information. Researchers can use the old articles to compare with the latest advancements and explain the changes in research patterns and scientific topics. I know that my colleagues will enjoy the experience of exploring this database due to its diverse content. Notably, most of its articles are free, making them available and easily accessible. Students can access these articles on their laptops, and download them to study and analyze later. They can also share these articles, making the process of reviewing and discussing them easier in person or in groups. Overall, this database is instrumental in research due to the quality and up-to-date articles on various clinical research topics.ReferencesFenton, K., & Kidd, K. (2019). Reflective practice groups in a mental health inpatient setting. Mental Health Practice, 22(3), 28-33., E., Gonzalez, Y., & Kverno, K. S. (2020). Challenges faced by new psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner prescribers. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 58(10), 7-11. (2022). Nursing. replyI am pursuing my Master’s degree as a mental health nurse practitioner. I will research literature throughout this program to advance my knowledge and write quality, evidence-based research. “Journal articles that are peer-reviewed give merit to research and assist with ensuring information is trustworthy”. (Al-Jundi, 2017). As I continue to grow in this class, I am improving at using the APA format as my primary form of writing. I am also continuing to learn how to navigate through Walden’s library and databases, using this to my advantage to widen my knowledge.To start my search, I always log in to Walden’s library, home to 172 databases, including writings and videos. Searching through the many databases Walden’s library offers, I came across many related to psychiatry, psychology, and nursing; among infinite topics. The database I used this time is named Psychology Databases Combined Search. I believe this database will be beneficial to my colleagues because it has access to quality, evidence-based, peer-reviewed literature.A benefit of this database in specific is it combines research from multiple other databases. Using this database allows you to access four different databases: PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, and PsycINFO. This database is also beneficial because it will enable you to minimize your search by allowing you to edit your search options. Some of the search options available include, although are not limited to, publication year, document type, publisher, etc. The only difficulty I can name in using this database is when trying to access the full article; although it takes me to Walden’s library, it goes through several steps to the central theme. The way I see this problem is that through Walden’s library, I can go directly to the article, and through this database, just like with most others, I have to go through several steps to get the same result.Practice characteristics of nurse practitioners in mental health and psychiatric settings is a peered-reviewed article I could find through this database. As I stated earlier in this post, my area of practice is nursing, and moving on forward with my career, I plan to become a psychiatry/ mental health nurse practitioner. For this discussion I decided to concentrate on the scope of practice of a psychiatry nurse practitioner. In this article, I found education on the scope of practice, limitations, and responsibilities of these professionals in mental health and psychiatric settings versus those in clinical practice. This article is relevant to me since I am a registered nurse with experience in the intensive care unit studying to become a mental health nurse practitioner. This article compares the world I am used to with the world I want to enter. “Nurse practitioners in mental health and psychiatric settings appear more likely to practice independently, by a few measures: practicing without an on-site physician, having a billing number, and having a DEA number to prescribe controlled substances. However, nurse practitioners in mental health and psychiatric settings had lower odds of having hospital admitting privileges”. (Jones, 2018)References:Al-Jundi, A. (2017). Critical appraisal of Clinical Research. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH. Resources: Journals. Academic Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2022, from, E. B. (2018). Practice characteristics of nurse practitioners in mental health and psychiatric settings. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32(4), 599–603.
LECTUREUnit ObjectivesAfter completing this unit, you should be able todefine moral hazard, adverse selection, and cost-shiftingidentify the major public programs for the financing of health carecompare and contrast Medicare and Medicaidlist and describe the four sub-programs of Medicaredescribe different reimbursement approaches for health servicesUnit LectureWhen asked how health care services are paid for, many of us think immediately of health insurance. However, we typically don’t think about the dynamics behind health insurance or the various types of programs through which it is delivered. At its most basic level, health insurance is a tool for mitigating risk. An individual purchases health insurance to mitigate the risk of having to pay an enormous medical bill in the event of sickness or injury.Those who provide health insurance—insurance companies—also work to mitigate risk, albeit from the other side. They attempt to create a risk pool containing a large number of healthy people to offset the expenses accrued by those who do get sick or injured. Premiums, the fees paid for ownership of health insurance, are used to subsidize the cost of the health care provided to those who use the insurance.Factors that insurance companies need to be mindful of include moral hazard, whereby an insured individual is more prone to seek care than if he or she were paying the medical bill him- or herself; and adverse selection, whereby insurance is mainly purchased by those most in need of it. As with any financial enterprise, if the costs of providing the product or service exceed the revenue, the company goes out of business.There are several types of insurance programs, both public and private. Together, these programs cover not only individual health services, but public health services, research, and the administration of the delivery and financing of health care in the United States. The majority of public and private expenditures—approximately 81 percent—are directed toward hospital care, provider and clinical services, long-term care, and prescription drug provision (Kovner & Knickman, 2011).As mentioned in the week 4 lecture, health insurance is a relatively new mechanism for financing health services, and it has grown substantially since the mid-1900s, when only 9 percent of the US population had health insurance (Blumberg & Davidson, 2009). Health insurance can be broken down into private and public insurance.Private health insurance is primarily employment-based, meaning that individuals receive coverage through commercial health insurance plans for which their employers either pay the premiums or subsidize them, with the employee paying the balance.Some larger employers choose to self-insure, which means that they administer their own plans and accept the financial risk of doing so. In essence, they act as the insurer of their employees.Some individuals, either through necessity or choice, opt to purchase their own private insurance coverage through a commercial insurance company or to remain uninsured and accept the risk.Public health insurance is funded by the government and plays a significant role in the health care system. There are several public programs; two of the most prominent are the Medicare program, created through Title 18 of the Social Security Act of 1935 (SSA), and Medicaid, created through Title 19 of the SSA. Both programs are operated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).Medicare is a federally funded program that finances services for people aged 65 and older, people under the age of 65 who have certain disabilities, and people with end-stage renal disease (CMS, 2014). Medicare has four sub-programs: Part A, which covers hospital inpatient services; Part B, which covers provider services and outpatient care; Part C, an optional managed care plan in which beneficiaries can participate; and Part D, which provides prescription drug coverage.Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal government and each state government. Consequently, there is variation within the program from state to state in terms of eligibility and benefits. Although the states have a certain degree of control over the eligibility criteria, federal law mandates that coverage be available to individuals in families with an income below 133 percent of the federal poverty level. The federal government also sets nonfinancial criteria, such as that coverage apply to those enrolled in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program (CMS, 2014).Some of the federally mandated services provided by Medicaid include inpatient and outpatient services; surgical dental services; nursing facility services for beneficiaries aged 21 and older; and preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services for children. Information on the impact of the ACA on Medicaid eligibility can be found on the Medicaid eligibility website.Medicare and Medicaid are not the only publicly funded health programs. There is the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which is instrumental in financing health services for uninsured children; the Military Health System (MHS), which provides health services to active-duty and retired members of the uniformed services as well as their dependents; the Veterans Health Administration (VA), which provides care to veterans; and the Indian Health Service (IHS), which provides health services to members of American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and their descendants.Each private and public insurance program has a unique relationship with the health care providers who participate in that program. Each program also has its own methods of determining reimbursement rates for services provided. This week, we’ll discuss not only the basic dynamics of health insurance, but the various types of private and public insurance, the various reimbursement approaches, and some of the ways in which the ACA will impact the financing of health care in the United States.ReferencesBlumberg, A., & Davidson, A. (2009). Accidents of history created U.S. health system. Retrieved January 28, 2014, from for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). (2014). Medicaid eligibility. Retrieved January 6, 2014, from for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). (2014). Medicare program general information. Retrieved January 6, 2014, from, A. R., & Knickman, J. R. (2011). Jonas & Kovner’s health care delivery in the United States. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.DISCUSSION QUESTION BELOW:The lecture this week discusses the terms adverse selection and moral hazard. Describe what these terms mean and how they may relate to a component (of your choice) of the Affordable Care Act.-ANSWER WITH ONE-TWO PARAGRAPHS. NO PLAGERISM. CITE APA FORMAT W/ REFERENCES
Assignment 3: Quantitative Annotated BibliographyIn this week’s discussion question you were asked to consider a potential problem (appropriate to your role option) that you would like to investigate through nursing research. For this assignment you will review current research from South’s Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue’s OWL: total of four annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a quantitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.Each annotation must address the following critical elements:Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited workBrief description of the research conductedValue and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under considerationPossible shortcomings or bias in the workConclusions or observations reached by the authorSummary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role option.Please submit to the W1 Assignment 3 Dropbox by Monday, January 2, 2017.Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsArticles selected are appropriate to role option and support the potential problem identified.20Addresses required elements for each of the 4 nursing research articles that provide supportive evidence for the problem.40Articles selected meet guidelines (quantitative methodology, nursing scholarly literature, no older than 5 years since publication).30Followed APA guidelines for writing style, format, spelling, and grammar.10Total:100
The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature.
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