Mini Case studies ERM

Read Chapter 28 mini-case study. The case is about BSC and its efforts to implement an ERM function. From reading the case study what are the quick wins that you see? And what are the issues that will pose a challenge in creating BSC ERM program? How would you tackle the challenges?

Read Chapter 29 mini-case study. This case is about Akawini Copper and United Minerals and it brings up many important concepts with ERM, such as due diligence and its role in an acquisition of an organization. How would you approach the acquisition? What changes would you implement first in the transformation process?


Provide a minimum of 2 references on the post

Proper APA Format (References & Citations)/No plagiarism

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Unit VII: Project Costing

Scenario: You are the project manager responsible for a new building construction in northern Virginia. The building is worth $500,000 and will have five bedrooms, a kitchen, landscaping, and a two-car garage to be completed in two years. This was agreed upon in a firm fixed contract. During the execution (construction) of the building, you realize that the cost of materials have gone up by 10%, and your schedule is behind by 90 days due to delays from county inspections and permit processes. You also notice that if you continue with the current cost rate and schedule rate that the total cost to complete this house would be $600,000 and delivered three months late. Submit a three-page report explaining the reasons for these variances from your original project management plan and the proposed steps on how you are going to control the cost and schedule to achieve the contract threshold of $500,000 to be delivered in two years. Your plan must include the following:  Address identifications of impacted activities with their cost and schedule attributes, remembering to account for contingencies.  Address explanations of the roles your project management team will play during the execution of your project management plan and how they will help you to control the issues that are arising during the project.  At the end of your essay, add a separate section entitled, “Reflections on My Learning.” In this stand-alone section, summarize what you have learned in doing the research, reading the textbook, and reading the written lessons in regard to project management and how it impacted your decisions in this essay. Refer to the execution and control process examples in the Handbook of Project-based Management textbook, Chapter 17. Include at least one additional source to support your ideas, thoughts, and theories. Use APA format to document your sources in-text and in your “References” list at the end of the essay. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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Hist 1302: Analyzing an Historical Debate

For this assignment, you will analyze a historical issue from the second half of U.S. History

(Hist 1302 1877 to the present)

You will need to compare at least two opposing issues on that topic.

Part I. Introduction

  1. Describe in general the issue that is debated:

For example, you may analyze the importance of this issue important to the

culture, economics, political system, or social structure at the time.

Part II. Historical Debate

  1. What is the main argument in each perspective? On what points do

they agree or disagree?

  1. Analyze the evidence that is provided to support each

thesis: What types of evidence are used? Does the evidence support

the thesis?

Part III. Conclusion

  1. How did the reading(s) change the way in which you understood the


  1. How are the issues presented in the reading(s) still relevant to you

today? Please explain how your personal background and life

experiences might influence your perspective on this topic.

  1. Imagine that you have been asked to tackle a current national or

global issue. How would you use the readings to help you do so?


The paper must be a minimum of 500 words. Typed, double-spaced, using 12 point

font. The assignment will be uploaded as a file on Blackboard.

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Film commentary: “California’s Lost Tribes” (All questions worth 4 points


ANT 320

Film commentary: “California’s Lost Tribes” (All questions worth 4 points)


1. Brenda Soulliere, tribal judge for the Cabazon Band, explains early in the film that the presence of casino money has caused a shift in popular stereotypes of Native Americans in this country. Describe this shift.


2. According to the film, why has casino gaming worked on reservations, when so many other attempts to develop viable businesses on Indian land have failed?


3. Why have tribes decided to sign gaming compacts with states, even though these compacts have stripped away a piece of tribal sovereignty?


4. Why do some states, like California, try to prevent terminated tribes from regaining federal recognition?


5. On what basis do non-Indian people protest casinos in California (for example, as depicted in the segment of the film concerning Graton Ranchería and the Rumsey Casino in Capay Valley)?


The post Film commentary: “California’s Lost Tribes” (All questions worth 4 points appeared first on top grade professors.


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Answer the following question below

What is the role of the trainer? Cite personal examples and integrate ideas from the textbook and/or other sources.

must use this source as well ( Noe, R.E. (2017) Employee Training and Development 7e. NY: McGraw Hill. )

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Question A

In your own words explain the concept of “Defense in Depth”.

Question B

Research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

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Job description

Compensation experts and HR professionals create internally consistent job structures through TWO processes – job analysis followed by job evaluation.  This week’s discussion board activity is focused on job analysis.  The final team project (due at the end of the module) will more explicitly address job evaluation.

Directions: (slightly modified from the textbook so read carefully!!)

Complete the “YOUR TURN” exercise at the end of Chapter 4 – “The Customer Service Agent”.


  1. Read the article on a day in the work life of Bill Ryan.
  2. **ADDED BY PROF BUCKMAN** Visit (Links to an external site.) and further research the job of “customer service representative”
  3. Based on information from BOTH of these sources, write a job description for the job of customer service agent.
    • **Use the exhibits in the chapter to guide you in deciding what information is relevant for job analysis / job description.**
    • Below the job description that you submit, answer the following questions: (this is where TEXTBOOK CITATIONS WILL BE NECESSARY)
  • do you believe you had enough information from these TWO sources to write an accurate job description?
  • what specific information from the diary was MOST important/useful to you?
  • what specific information from O*NET was MOST important/useful to you?
  • in an ideal world, what add’l sources of information would you request to improve the accuracy of the job description?
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Discuss the following two questions and give example of each:

1- What is the major challenge that faces cloud computing today.

2- How can redundant storage architecture technologies be improved to meet the demand and the expansion of cloud storage needs for redundancy and failover capabilities?

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Project document

 paper should have the following characteristics:

  1. Be in APA format
  2. Have the following sections:
    1. Title page
    2. Abstract
    3. this should address:
      1. Summaries of the companies and the situations
      2. Security and risk management activities absent from each situation
      3. A diagnosis of security and risk management ethical issues presented (if any) to management/stakeholders.
      4. Compare and contrast the security and risk management activities recommended as an outcome of the situation
      5. Security Management and Risk Management Lessons learned by the examination of the cases chosen.
    4. References (non-annotated)
    5. Appendix:
      1. Annotated bibliography (From Saturday morning’s assignment – revised according to the feedback that was given (if any).
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Identify the Population Health concern you selected

Unfortunate Elevation   of Suicide Rate in America


Describe the Population   Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it. 

Suicide is mental illness   when people direct violence at themselves with intent to end their life which   is a major public health problem and leading cause of death in America.   According to Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suicide is tenth   leading cause of death in US claiming the lives of over 47,0000 people.   During 2001 – 2017 total rate increase is 31 percent from 10.7 – 14.0 per   100,000 and in male suicide is four times higher than female (National   Institute of Mental Health).


Administration (President   Name)

(Current President)

Donald J Trump

(Previous President)

Barack Obama

(Previous President)

George W Bush


Describe the administrative   agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous   presidents.

President Trump issued a   “National call to Action to Empower Veterans and End the National tragedy by   Veteran Suicide”, this administrative agenda focuses on improving the quality   of life of America’s Veterans and ending the tragedy of veteran’s suicide.   Despite significant efforts and billions of dollar investment veteran’s   suicide has raise to 26 percent from 2005-2016. President’s aim through this   agenda is to revolutionize the VA healthcare system (U.S. Department of   Veterans affairs,2016).

President Trump signed, the   National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act of 2018, which made civilian to   access suicide crisis prevention by direct 3-digit number rather than long 10   digits (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,2018).

In Obama’s administration,   Affordable Care Act played crucial role in extension of mental health and   substance use disorder benefits and parity protection among individuals who   were suffering from mental health illness. Obama also focused in prevention   of American Veteran suicide by making easy access to the mental health   providers. President proclaimed September 10,2015 as world suicide prevention   day by making awareness to citizen, government agencies, organization, health   care institute and research institute. He focused on prevention of bullying   and harassment which is major leading cause of suicide among teenagers

(The Whitehouse,2015).

In Bush’s administration, suicide   was introduced as one of the serious mental health problems among civilian   and veterans. In 2001 Bush’s agenda was focused in serving all person at risk   of suicide in US through network of local, certified crisis call center. This   program now called the National Suicide prevention lifeline. Agenda primary   focus was to make it available 24/7. In 2009 on supervision of Bush VA added   1-1 “chart service” for veteran who prefer to reach through internet (US   Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).

President Bush signed H.R.   327, the “Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act” and H.R. 1284 the “   Veterans compensation cost-of-living adjustment act,2007) into law which   required VA to develop and implement a comprehensive program to reduce the   incidence of suicide among veterans and increase beneficiaries of veteran’s   disability compensation(Office of press secretary,2007).


Identify the allocations of   financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents   dedicated to this issue.

The executive orders on   president’s Roadmap to empower Veteran’s and End a National Tragedy of   suicide establishes a task force that includes the secretaries of VA,   Defense, Health and Human services and Homeland security. Frequent meeting of   the taskforce is held for topic prevention of suicide which includes head of   other executive department and agencies to other senior officials in the   Whitehouse office. President Trump secured a record $73.1 billion in funding   for the VA to provide quality medical care which includes $8.6 billion for   mental services and $206 million for suicide prevention (Whitehouse, 2018).

The president has expanded   access to telehealth services to help reach more veterans through “Anywhere   to Anywhere” effective VA health care initiative (Whitehouse,2018).

Affordable Care Act (ACA)   created Prevention and public health fund which funded 27 grants for   prevention of suicide (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).

President George W Bush   signed the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act on October 21, 2004, turning bill   into law, the measure provides $82 million in grants to school, colleges,   universities and American Indian organization for development of suicide   prevention program (Kelvin,2004).


Explain how each of the   presidential administrations approached the issue.

President’s roadmap to   empower Veterans include a national research strategy for engaging with   public and private sector stakeholders to better understand the underlying   factors of suicide and lead to earlier identification and intervention, it   also includes a proposal for equipping state and local government with the   resource and tools to empower veteran communities. This roadmap helps to   create on active engagement with each veteran because 70 percent veteran   suicide without any mental assessment and intervention, it helps each veteran   for easy access of healthcare (Whitehouse,2018).

Mr. Trump’s order made a wide   range of mental health services available to all veterans as they transition   back to civilian society. Trump directed the department of VA for expansion   of health care to telemedicine, which has the potential to connect veteran   with care no matter where they live, and its use of technology allows former   service members to schedule appointment online. If VA can’t serve them   quickly then Veteran can go for private and allowance will be given (White   house,2018).

The Affordable Care Act   extends mental health and substance use disorder benefits and parity   protection to over 60 million Americans, helping men and women across country   to access critical care. Protection under the health care law prohibit   insurers from denying coverage because of pre- existing conditions, like a   diagnosis of mental health illness and require most insurance plan to cover   and recommended prevention service without co pays, including behavioral   assessment for children and depression screening( The White House,2018).

In February, Obama signed the   Clay Hunt suicide prevention for American Veteran Act to help fill serious   gaps for serving veterans with PTSD and other illness. Obama announced 19   executive actions to make it easier for veterans to access care, including   increasing the number of mental health providers at the department of   Veterans Affair (The White House,2018).

Suicide prevention national   strategy was first released in 2001, assembled by president George W Bush in   2002,the commission was asked to study mental health service delivery system,   to make recommendations that would enable adults with serious mental health   illness and children with serious emotional disturbance at work and    school. Participating fully in their communities, after one year of   study, reviewing and testimony the group issued its final report, which   identified six goals and corresponding recommendation. Activity in the filed   of suicide prevention has grown dramatically since the national strategy was   issued in 2001.Government agencies at all levels, school, nonprofit   organization and business have started program to address suicide prevention   (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).

The network of local   certified crisis call center was established in such a way that people in   crisis get their call transferred in nearest place so that suicide prevention   team can be in place of crisis quickly. There are greater than 100 suicide   call centers in 49 states. In October 2011, lifeline answered about 3 million   calls. (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).

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