end-of-life issues in relationship to hospitals, professional ethics, and accrediting bodies.

How Institutional Conceptual Frameworks Influence Ethical Decision Making

We wrap things up by exploring institutions and groups designed to help ensure that hospital staff at all levels think and act ethically in caring for patients. Accrediting bodies are oversight agencies charged with performing accreditation of hospitals and helping to establish standards for health care delivery. Their aim is to keep the quality of care as high as possible and to make sure the care is delivered ethically. Ethics committees are groups of individuals within hospitals that meet regularly to advise staff on ethically difficult cases and to promote an ethical institutional culture.
Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Apply sound ethical thinking related to a health care issue.
Demonstrate sound ethical thinking in applying ethical principles and moral theories to a specific case.
Competency 3: Analyze ethical issues associated with patient care from the perspectives of various health care professionals.
Explain professional codes of ethics and apply them in to a specific case.
Competency 4: Explain the conceptual framework that health care leaders use to make ethical decisions.
Explain organizational documents like mission and value statements and use them to analyze a case study.
Explain the role of accrediting bodies and applies this understanding in analyzing a case study.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
Provides validation and support within written communications by including relevant examples and supporting evidence using APA citations.
Produce writing with minimal errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanics.


Complete the Case Study: Tonya Archer media activity, which is linked later in this assessment.

Before you begin creating your submission for this assessment, make sure you have worked through the Tonya Archer case study. This will provide the foundational context for the assessment, for which you will be carrying out independent research by using the Internet to complete the following:

Identify the professional code of ethics for your professional specialty or a specialty that you are interested in.
With a local hospital in mind (perhaps one you work for), locate the mission, vision, and values statement of that hospital.

After you identify the professional ethics code and the hospital mission, vision, and values statements relevant to your work and interests, it may be useful to complete the following:

Identify which item in the ethical code you believe is the most important and explain why.
Name something in the code you would like to see addressed in more depth. Why?
Which item in the code do you think would be the most challenging to follow and why?
Does your code make an explicit distinction between what is legal and what is ethical? That is, is the code clear that, while an action may be legal, it may not be ethical?
Finally, how well does your professional code of ethics align with the mission and values statement of your hospital? Can you imagine a situation in which following one would make it challenging to follow the other?


For this assessment you will apply some concepts we have learned in the course, particularly those relating to the basic principles of health care ethics, professional codes of ethics, and values of health care institutions.

Write a paper that answers the following questions as it relates to the Tonya Archer Case Study:

What are the most relevant end-of-life issues in health care ethics as they relate to this case?
What should the hospital do? Should doctors simply keep Tonya on life support, as the parents want? Or, since all medical evidence indicates that Tonya’s brain damage is permanent, should life support be removed?

Support your answer with the following considerations in mind:

Explain which principles of health care ethics and which moral theory are the best philosophical foundations for your view.
Is your view supported by your professional code of ethics? If so, explain how. If not, explain what your code gets wrong about a case like this.
Is your view consistent with the mission statement and values of the hospital you identified in your independent research you conducted to prepare to complete this assessment?
Would an accrediting body, like the Joint Commission, support your choice? Why or why not?

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Leadership Management

Assessment 2: Project

You are working as a Manager at ABC Company and you manage 10 junior customer service officers. You are interested in taking on more managerial roles and responsibilities. You know that the company has a program dedicated to assisting staff with self-improvement and development, as long as it is in line with the company’s main goals of improving customer service and providing an exceptional experience to all customers. You can see current employees’ skills and knowledge below:


  Roles and responsibilities Current skills and knowledge
Junior customer service officers


–          Ensuring customer satisfaction through reliable and timely customer service

–          Receive and handle both initial and escalated consumer enquiries

–          Manage client accounts and follow up with outstanding payments

–          Liaise with stakeholders

–          Excellent communication skills and committed to achieving customer service of the highest standard;

–          Ability to relate and personalise responses for each consumer experience

–          Proficient Microsoft Office skills

–          Attention to detail & demonstrate active listening

–          Experience in retail and welcome


Current 2 senior customer service positions are still vacant. Senior customer service officers’ key responsibility areas:

  • Provide guidance to the customer service staff to ensure all customer needs are met.
  • Work with the Customer Service Team to deliver optimum service to our internal and external customers within the agreed timeframes.
  • Assist in the development of strong working relationships across all departments and raise awareness of the support the Customer Service Team can provide to service delivery.
  • Assist with building the capacity and attitude of the customer service staff to provide exceptional customer service.
  • Assist with the development and implementation of the Customer Relationship Model.
  • Actively participate in developing and implementing customer service systems, which will improve the service delivery and enhance the image of ABC.
  • Monitor and report on customer service protocols and identify process improvements relevant to Customer Service across the organisation.
  • Provide frontline customer service including processing customer requests, receipting and switchboard operation.
  • Train staff in all aspects of their Customer Service Officer role and liaise with all departments to provide guidance on our customer service systems.
  • Monitor and maintain directories and databases
  • Manage the purchase, storage and allocation of stationery for the organisation to ensure adequate supplies are maintained at all times.
  • Manage the roster system for all customer service staff.
  • To resolve relevant problems and complaints from the public and advise management on system improvements in line with ABC.

Need to answers those questions.

  1. Research and summaries your findings:
  • Career development theories, models, frameworks and strategies for customer service officers
  • Apply codes of professional conduct and career development standards, and how they can be applied in ABC Company
  • What regulatory requirements, policies, guidelines, standards and resources should apply
  1. Analyse, plan, implement and evaluate career development services; determine the needs of your junior customer service officers; plan for support systems and resources required to provide high-quality career development service delivery; establish and maintain relationships with professional peers and service providers.
  2. Explain how to apply effective action-planning skills in career development counselling services and how to establish ongoing professional and follow-up support for clients of career development services.
  3. Explain how to encourage junior staff to commit to, and access, career development services; you need to establish mechanisms to follow-up provision of career development services.
  4. Explain the strategies to ensure records storage, security and privacy in accordance with professional and organisational requirements and how to establish referral procedures and contracts
  5. Identify own professional development needs and complete required professional development activities


  1. Review and improve career development services, in consultation with HR officer (your assessor) this one is presentation. At least 5 PowerPoint slide



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You will pick two self-assessments to reference for this paper – your favorite and your least favorite.  You may reference more than two if you choose.  The paper should be between 500-600 words (use wordcounter.net).  You should have at least 5 distinct paragraphs – intro, point 123, conclusion (use paragraph breaks – this is NOT texting!).  You don’t have to answer every question, but at least, 4 out of the six.

Explain your answers to the following questions and provide specific examples.  Please see the Rubric link below to determine grading. 

1. Which assessment was your favorite? Why?

2. Which assessment was your least favorite? Why?

3. How did the assessment apply to your life and in what ways (ex. personal, professional, in a particular relationship, etc.)?

4.  Did any of the assessments shed light on a part of yourself that  you would deem as negative or needs work?  If so, what steps are you willing to take to change?

5.  Which assessment would you wish your best friend, lover, mother, co-worker( or someone important to you in your life) would take?  What do you think it would show to them?  How could knowing something about themselves like this help them?

6.  Which assessment do you think all women or all men or even all people should take to make a better world?

7.  Could history have changed if all people were forced to take one assessment?  Which one and why?

8. Which assessment would you want your children to take (to be most helpful) as they enter adulthood?

9.  Which assessment brought to light issues you wish YOU would have known about yourself when you were younger, to save you some heartache, perhaps?

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TED Video Analysis

You will be required to watch selected TED videos from the TED website (www.ted.com) or from YouTube.com (www.youtube.com). You are to look at these talks and decide (analyze) the significance of each and make comments on how to use these skills in an organization. Write your comments using Word 2013-2017, 2010 or pdf format. Two pages (but not to exceed 3 pages) in length requirement.

Here are a few samples of exciting TED videos, choose 4 of them:

Kevin Kelly: Predicting the next 5000 days of the web (19:34)

Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2000 voices strong (14:35)

Deb Roy: The birth of a word (19:53)

Daniel Kraft: Medicine’s future? There’s an app for that (18:22)

Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world (15:23)

Did you know 3.0 (Officially updated for 2012 HD) (4:59) Did You Know Transcript

You are to look at these talks and describe how their innovative ideas have driven the digital revolution. You must decide how to use these skills in an organization. Also, you are required to find two new presentations and describe them (title, URL and what they are about). The total is 6 of the videos.

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Future Forecasting, TREND ANALYSIS

Based on the definition of the word “trend” provided in class, students will identify a current trend in U.S. culture and research the origins, causes, effects, and future prospects for the trend (TRENDANALYSIS). The trend should be of short to medium length (3-20 years).  Students should use MLA format. The paper should be no less than four full pages in length, not including works cited, and no more than four pages in length. A minimum of five sources are required for the paper. The paper should state what the trend is and what is causing it. In addition, the thesis should state SPECIFICALLY how long the trend will continue into the future and why it will end. The paper should include at least three reasons why the claim is true.

The paper should also use at least one other technique mentioned in the article on future forecasting: “Methods and Approaches to Future Studies.” This should be clearly mentioned and integrated into the paper.

The paper must follow MLA format, use at least one short quotation, and include correct in-text citations or indentifying tags for all five sources.

Note: Trends are everywhere. From percentages of the population who vote, to percentages of the increase in the price of cotton, trends are a mathematical representation of an increase or decrease in a particular phenomenon over time. Students need only choose their favorite pastime or hobby to find a trend. Ask yourself questions such as: Are you new to the pastime? How long have you known about it? How long do you foresee the pastime remaining popular? How much money does the pastime generate as an industry?

Sales figures are a great way to talk about the strength and length of a trend. They allow you to examine the increase or decrease of a particular phenomenon—namely the amount of money generated by a trend.

Do you play videogames? What are the sales results for the last three years, and what are the projections for the next five? Any subject which interests you can be analyzed in terms of trends.

The best way to lay out the paper might be the following:

1. Introduction/Thesis Statement. This paragraph should identify what the trend is, and why it matters, then make a predictive claim (thesis claim) about how long the trend will continue, and why the claim about trend length is true. An example is:

“Accelerating growth in the trend of live goldfish swallowing will continue until 2027, when PETA will get the government to outlaw it, goldfish prices will rise too high, and people begin will swallowing swords instead.”

Notice that the reasons are all universals that can be used for other topics: Government will get involved to regulate the trend, popularity will raise the price too high for most to afford, people will get bored with the current activity and switch to something else. These are not, of course, the only reasons why trends end.

2. Brief history and explanation of the causes of the trend (one paragraph).

3. 3-4 paragraphs explaining the reasons why the trend will end when you say it will (reasoning). This is where the future forecasting techniques can be used. Be sure to include evidence supporting your reasoning.

4. At least 2 counterarguments (a discussion of those who think the trend will not end when you think it will, and why they might be wrong)

5. Conclusion

Grading Rubric for Trend Analysis/Future Forecasting Essay

MLA Format (25):

Proper heading, Name/Page in Header:

Correct Usage of italics for long work/quotation marks for short

Spacing, Margins Correct, Paragraphs Indented Correctly

Correct Usage of Quotations/Quotation Marks

Correct in-text citation of paraphrase/summary:

Paper is Times New Roman 12 pt. type:

Works Cited Page Correct Format:

Thesis (30):

Strong, Specific Claim about length of trend in P1:

Provide Proof Synopsis after Thesis Statement (Reasons trend will end)

Paper follows thesis/presents reasoning to support thesis

Paper includes and rebuts Counterarguments

Conclusion restates thesis:

Grammar/Standard American English Used (15):

Sentences Use Correct Syntax, Avoid Frags, Run-ons/Comma Splices:

Paper Avoids Use of Passive Voice:

Sentences Bleed Logically from one to another

Paper Avoids WASTE OF WORDS:

Verb Tense Consistency, Plural/Singular Agreement:

Paper Avoids Semicolons, uses correct punctuation

No sentences begin with “It”

Paper Avoids Use of adverbs wherever possible (especially very):

Paper Avoids Informal Language (a lot, a bunch, I, us, etc.):

Paper Follows Prompt (30):

Paper Includes TA and a second technique from article:

Paper Discusses History of Trend, reasons for trend:

Paper Integrates Five Sources:

Paper is exact length:

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Domino's Pizza

Please respond to the following:

  • Determine whether the current organizational structure at Domino’s is a good match for its corporate strategies. Explain your rationale.
  • Evaluate alternative structures to determine which one would be most appropriate for Domino’s to consider and discuss likely benefits Domino’s would realize from adopting that structure. Provide specific examples to support your response.
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public speaking

Assignment 1.3: Selecting a Speech Topic

This assignment supports the following lesson objectives:

  • 1.3 Prepare a basic speech

Assignment Overview
This assignment explores the process used to prepare a basic speech. You will explore a potential speech topic and questions about topic selection.


  • A one-page paper (12-point font) written in a word processor, such as MS Word

Assignment Details
In this activity, you will be preparing a speech for the following setting:

  • Classroom with seating for approximately 30 students
  • An audience of 20 of your peers, 10 seats unoccupied
  • Speech start time of 9:00 a.m.
  • Time limit of five minutes to deliver speech
  • No audiovisual supporting materials

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Review the information presented in the lesson that covers the steps involved in planning a speech.
The main steps involved in preparing any type of speech are:Choose the Right Topic
Narrow Your Topic
Locate Supporting Material
Structure Your Speech
Prepare an Outline
Deliver Your SpeechStep 2: Select a topic.
Use a word processor (such as MS Word) to answer the following questions:
What broad topic will your speech address?
Briefly explain the reason for your broad topic choice in terms of the following considerations:Audience characteristics
Time limit
Your interest and knowledge of the topic
Any other reasons
Narrow the broad topic down to a specific topic. List the specific topic or title for your speech.
Based on the specific topic or title of your speech, write at least two goals you wish to achieve by delivering your speech to the specified audience.
Briefly describe the value of your specific topic and goals to the audience members.Step 3: Save and submit your document.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the drop box

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Discussion 1 Week 2



Prior to beginning work on this discussion, Review Chapter 4: Social and Cultural Environments, Chapter 5: The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments, Chapter 6: Global Information Systems and Market Research and browse through all three categories in Procter & Gamble’s Brands (Links to an external site.) web page.

Part 1: Surviving Global Environments

Assume you are the global marketing VP of Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola, two highly successful global brands. Select one of the two companies and a country to operate in. The following videos will help you to gain some insight on the companies. You will be referring to your required readings to answer the discussion questions listed below.

Coca-Cola PepsiCo
Davos 2011 – Muhtar Kent, CEO, Coca-Cola (Links to an external site.) SuccessStory: PepsiCo (Links to an external site.)

Address the following questions and support your answers using theories discussed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of your text. Explain the country’s society and their culture. What are the differences and similarities of their culture to the culture of the United States?

  1. Determine what social, cultural, political or legal/regulatory characteristics you would need to take advantage of to avoid unneeded and costly adaptations of the marketing mix. Using examples, what theories in Chapter 4 support your conclusions?


  1. Create a short SWOT analysis and list three key points in each area of your SWOT that you believe are most important to understand and recognize for successfully sustaining your brand and business in that country. Focus primarily on global environment criteria related to your company (i.e., economic, trade, social and cultural, political, legal, and regulatory environments).



Part 2: Defining the Market Research Process

Although we may be very familiar with Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) many brands, there are still some opportunities for P&G to expand throughout the world where their brands are not yet well known.

  • Select one P&G brand that would potentially face a latent market in a certain country, region, or local area around the globe.
    • Discuss your rationale for choosing the brand and how it falls under this category.
  • Choose three analytical techniques employed by global marketers.
    • Summarize each of the techniques and why you think these are the most beneficial to the global market.


Your initial discussion post should be 250 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas. You may refer to Ashford University Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.



Required Resources


Keegan, W. J., & Green, M. C. (2020). Global marketing (10th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com

  • Chapter 4: Social and Cultural Environments
  • Chapter 5: The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments
  • Chapter 6: Global Information Systems and Market Research


Wingfield, N. (2018, January 21). Inside Amazon Go, a store of the future (Links to an external site.)The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/21/technology/inside-amazon-go-a-store-of-the-future.html


amazon. (2016, December 5). Introducing Amazon Go and the world’s most advanced shopping technology (Links to an external site.) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/NrmMk1Myrxc

SAP SuccessFactors. (2013, October 28). SuccessStory: PepsiCo (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/gsloNjOI-j0

World Economic Forum. (2011, January 6). Davos 2011 – Muhtar Kent, CEO, Coca-Cola (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/yWzq_BJQfHM

Web Page

Procter & Gamble. (n.d.). Brands (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://us.pg.com/brands/

  • This web page provides a list with information about product brands that are part of the Procter & Gamble (P&G) company and will assist you in your Surviving Global Environments and Defining the Market Research Process discussion this week.
    Accessibility Statement does not exist.
    Privacy Policy(Links to an external site.)


Recommended Resources


Alux.com. (2017, March 31). 15 things you didn’t know about Pepsi (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/WSitLk5sc2s

ThoughtCatalyst. (2017, October 5). The secret behind Coca-Cola marketing strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/XhMVWzVXNNk

  • This video discusses Coca-Cola’s history and global marketing strategies, including the “happiness” and “share a coke” campaigns, and may assist you in your Surviving Global Environments and Defining the Market Research Process discussion this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
    Accessibility Statement(Links to an external site.)
    Privacy Policy


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Data Science and/or Big Data Analytics

  1. For this assignment, you will select a current research paper (published since 2016) to review. You may select any research paper that is related to Data Science or Big Data Analytics. I strongly recommend that you start your search at Google Scholar (scholar.google.com). Once you enter your search term(s), select the “Since 2016” link on the left. Feel free to choose ANY relevant paper. (I would recommend that you select one that you can read and summarize in a reasonable amount of time. Don’t select a 100 page paper!)
    For APA citation information, I have found https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ to be a great resource.

    Here is a short list of what I want:

    1) Your review should be 1/2 to 1-1/2 pages, single spaced.
    2) Please upload a Microsoft Word document to submit your review.
    3) You should briefly summarize the content of the article or paper and explain how it relates to Data Science and/or Big Data Analytics.
    4) IMPORTANT – Provide your own assessment of the article. (Did it make sense? Did you learn anything from it? Do you agree or disagree with the content?)
    5) Use the APA style for the paper and any references. You MUST use APA in-text references AND provide a list of any resources you used in the references list at the end of your paper. (PLEASE do NOT overuse references. More than a couple for such a short paper is overkill.)
    NOTE: If you aren’t comfortable with APA citations, email me the citation you’re planning to use BEFORE you submit your paper. I’ll have a look at it and comment.

    And finally, plagiarism is BAD! I WILL be checking these papers for plagiarism. Just give me your own work.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc.
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Two questions

The mean on this test is 3.5 with a standard deviation of .5.

Use the information to answer the follow-up question right below. 150-word response

1. Sally scores 1.5 on this test. How many standard deviations is Sally from the mean? (Show your calculations)

Respond to the following DQ in a minimum of 175 words. Please, include a title line indicating your prompt:

2.You are designing a new test to measure risk-taking traits. You want to use statistical analysis to compare different groups who take the test by comparing group means. What scale of measurement would you select for your test? Why would you choose that scale? Provide an example to support your response.

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