Week 9


Chapter 7 Notes:

Designing Organizations for Performance Excellence


  1. Organizational Structure
  • The effectiveness of an organization depends in part on its organizational structure-the clarification of authority, responsibility, reporting lines, and performance standards among individuals at each level of the organization.
  • It is important for a healthcare organization to determine the roles of its leadership group and governing board within the PI program.
  • PI activities require organizational and individual commitment and need to be incorporated into the daily operations of the organization.
  • Leadership endorsement of Performance Improvement (PI) is crucial and integral contribution to an organization’s continuous development.


  1. The Functional Structure
  • Functional structures provide organization with a clear chain of command and allow people to specialize in the aspect of work for which they are best suited.
  • Functional structures are common in service organizations at business unit levels.
  • From a TQ point of view, the functional structure has several inadequacies.
  • The Functional structures separates employees from customers
  • The leaders of a healthcare organization set expectations, develops plans, and hire employees to implement procedure that assess and improve quality of important functions.



Figure 1 Functional Structure for a Manufacturing Company



Board of Directors (aka Governing Body or Trustees)

  • Board of Directors (BOD) bears the ultimate responsibility for the quality of patient care provided by its organization
  • Board designates an executive (typically the CEO) to be its agent or managing partner and is responsible for implementing board directives.
  • The BOD is appointed by the community at large
  • Typically most do not have expertise in clinical processes or are healthcare professionals.


There are 3 main components of a healthcare organization that share common interests and must work together on planning, budgeting, capital development, expenditures, etc.:

  • The governance
  • The management (leaders)—responsible for the strategic plan
  • The employed staff


**The community and populations the organization serves expect that the organization will provide the highest quality products and services possible.


Strategic Planning

  • An organization’s strategic plan contains: overall mission, vision, and goals
  • Is developed by the organization’s senior leaders and BOD
  • Strategic Planning may include a process called SWOT Analysis-in which leaders complete an assessment of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats



PI Plan Design

  • A written plan that systematically describes the structure and approach the organization will follow in the continuous assessment and improvement of its important systems, processes, and outcomes of care.
  • The organization’s leaders have a central role in initiating and maintaining the organization’s PI priorities (implementation of the organization-wide PI Plan)


Managing the Board of Directors’ PI Activities

  • Coordination of the program
  • Clinical and nonclinical program monitoring
  • Organization of services and departments to carry out PI program

Reporting frequency, format, and timing (Dye 1991)


  • Dashboard-a comparative data format on the myriad of functions the organization performs (etc. quality of care, etc.).



Key Elements That Affect the Board’s Ability to Carry Out PI Responsibilities

  • The board’s understanding of the quality assessment and improvement system
  • Adequate reporting to the board by staff
  • The board’s oversight and approval of the process to ensure the continued competence of staff
  • The board’s active questioning of the information (Umbdenstock 1992)


Standing Committees of the Medical Staff

In addition to the leadership and the BOD, 3 other important organizational resources should be considered by the HC organizations as they plan PI programs

  • Standing committees of the medical staff
  • A New Hire and on-going staff development program
  • Formal quality management structure


Standing committees (of the medical staff) are organized to review specific aspects of patient care services.

Members are drawn from the medical staff, nursing staff, and administrative areas related to that specialty.

  • Ethics


  • Credentials


  • Pharmacy and Therapeutics


  • Utilization and Documentation Standards


  • Environmental Safety


  • Departmental


The intent of the review is to identify case specific patterns of care that could have achieved better outcomes had the care processes involved been better designed or implemented.


Peer Review—type of care review by one’s colleagues



Performance Improvement Education

  • Communication of mission, vision, and values
  • PI training at new-hire orientation
  • Supplemental training annually



Formal Quality Management Structures

A formal QM structure (aka PI Department):

  • Can centralize an organization’s quality efforts
  • can help an organization manage PI related information and activities
  • can be the organization’s experts in facilitating PI team activities and using the QI Toolbox techniques
  • can take the lead in educating leaders and staff on the principles of PI, data collection and data analysis and any regulatory changes that occur
  • can take the lead in developing cross functional and functional PI teams


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Network Security

1) describe what is/are Round Robin Protocols? What is the most popular example of round robin?

2) Describe the basic features of public key cryptography, Advanced Encryption Standard, digital signatures, and the public key infrastructure.

3) Describe the techniques used to secure wireless communications and

List the advantages to a business of having a security policy?



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Information Systems

In Part 1 – Geek Leadership of Glen and McManus (2014), they illustrate seven contraxioms that distinguish geeks from non-geeks in “Solving Problems,” “Achieving visions,” describing “How this plays out” in external and internal dialogue, and in “What to do.”  Read and choose two of the contraxioms and describe for yourself how you resonate with the geek or non-geek perspective.  How might your external or internal dialogue be different from the one Glen and McManus describe?  How does that dialogue align with your personal values and unique strengths?  How can Glen and McManus help you bridge the communication gap for your Final Group Case Study?  Be sure to cite and reference, offer personal insight, and an example to illustrate.

In Part II – Managing Yourself and Others, and in Part III – Working with External Stakeholders, Glen and McManus (2014) offer several suggestions for improving self-awareness, and in working with internal and external clients or stakeholders.  Looking specifically at suggestions for motivating geeks, choose two of the motivating characteristics and describe a method for motivating its development in geek leaders.  Be sure to cite and reference, offer personal insight, and an example to illustrate.


Pick two of your Top 10 Clifton Strengths(Strenght 1:Harmony and Strenght 2:Discipline) and describe how you are motivated by using this strength. Describe two real life instances when you felt competent in using that strength.  Also, describe how two of your bottom 10 strengths cause you to be unmotivated or “spin your wheels” while trying to operate in this strength.  Paraphrase a thought from Gallup in doing a Google searches on your Clifton Theme that motivate you to understand yourself and operate in your strengths.

In this post you will have an in-text citation and full reference from Gallup for Google searches on your Clifton Theme, and for paraphrased or direct quotes from Glen and McManus (2014).


Gallup, Inc. (n.d.) Learn more about the Clifton StrengthsFinder theme. Retrieved from https://news.gallup.com.

Glen, P., McManus, M. (2014). The Geek leader’s handbook: Essential leadership insight for People with Technical Backgrounds.  Leading Geeks Press. Los Angeles.

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Training and Development

Review the Week 2 Lecture, “How do you D1?”  For the purpose of this midterm assessment, assume that your trainers, Sarah and Caroline, are new to their jobs.  Assume further that you are their direct supervisor.  Describe how you would prepare Sarah and Caroline for their first assignment before they meet with the department manager, Lori Williams.

Be certain to include in your paper a value chain, a logic map, and a process map for their first assignment.  Also, include learning transfer system inventory.  Provide detailed explanations of each component of the maps and the inventory as they apply to the situation in the Week 2 Lecture.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 1,500 – 2,000 words (approximately 4 – 6 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here (link).

Download an example here.

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read link article


Managing Your Boss


Begin with a summary of the article and then address the following issues.  I think the application of this concept is far more universal than most people realize. We might even be genetically coded to engage in this activity.  How intrinsic to human nature do you believe is the tendency to “manage your boss.” Are their cultural implications?

3 pages   double space 12font

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Threat Modeling Testing

Write a 500-word essay explaining a situation at your workplace that would have required a good tester when threat modeling.

In your essay, please answer the following in your own words:

  1. Define testing
  2. Describe your work-related problem which required testing
  3. What processes were used to perform test?
  4. Explain construction of software model and uses.
  5. Explain why a clear statement of validation was useful when testing threat model in your work-related environment?

1. Be sure to cite your sources using APA.

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Topic for PowerPoint Presentation

Discuss best practices for hiring top talent and the process for developing top talent from within the organization.



1) prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide.

2) Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section.

3) You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book

4) You need to use in-text citations.

5) Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.

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Organizational Foundations


This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

The shared values, vision, and mission statements are the foundations of a healthy organization. Utilizing the same organization, you chose in the Week 1 portion of the course project and building off the discussion this week, address the following topics about the organization you have selected:

  • Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s values statement:
    • What is the values statement or what are the organizational values?
    • How was the values statement created? Who participated?
    • How accurate is the values statement when compared to actual behaviors in the organization?
    • What recommendations would you make to improve the values statement and to enhance how it is used in organizational behaviors and decision making?
    • If your organization does not have a values statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect actual values being used (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a values statement and enhance organizational behaviors.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the vision statement.
    • What is the vision statement?
    • Do organizational members know what the vision is? Based on what evidence?
    • Do organizational members embrace the vision? Based on what evidence?
    • What recommendations would you make to improve the vision statement and to enhance how well it inspires organizational members?
    • If your organization does not have a vision statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect the organization’s vision (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a vision statement and enhance organizational behaviors.
  • Evaluate how aligned the mission statement is with the vision statement.
    • What is the mission statement?
    • Are the mission and vision statements compatible? Based on what evidence?
    • What role does each statement (mission and vision) contribute to the organizational purpose?
    • Do the mission and vision statements reflect organizational values?
    • If your organization does not have a mission statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect the organization’s mission (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a mission statement, align it to vision, and enhance organizational behaviors.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the current organizational structure.
    • How would you describe your organization’s structure?
    • Does the organizational structure support achievement of vision, values, and mission? Based on what evidence?
    • What recommendations would you make to better align organization structure with vision, values, and mission? Defend your recommendations with research. 
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  1. Use the Keiser Online Library to find a peer-reviewed research article from a psychology journal (i.e., the journal should have the word “psychology” in the journal’s name; e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology).
  2. Read the article and identify the journal type and sections listed in the discussion description.  It is recommended students find an “original research” article to help identify most terminology and sections previously listed.
  3. Post a discussion with the following information (for this week, a list is fine versus paragraphs):
    • Article name
    • Author’s last name(s)
    • Year of publication
    • Journal title
    • Journal Article type and explanation why is was this type based on the handout
    • List the primary sections of the article, explain the reason for each, and summarize the content.  Here is an example:
      • Discussion: the discussion section evaluated the key findings in the previous Analysis section.  The reason for this section was to provide an explanation for the results of the statistical analysis, and describe whether the authors’ hypotheses were supported.  The discussion section revealed the significant negative relationship between spirituality and stress among terminal patients could be the result of the comfort one feels in a higher power and faith all will be fine, which in turn diminishes stress related to imminent death.
    • Attach the article to your discussion post

NOTE: as always for every discussion and assignment, students must properly cite resources in-text and in a “References” list.

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ERP assignment discussion


Read Chapter 9 scenario, and address the following question, “What were some of the key factors in the early states of UW’s ERM adoption and implementation that led to its current success within the organization.”

Instructions for Initial Posts:

After reading the scenario, start a new discussion thread. Points are deducted if your submission:

  • Does not adhere to the University’s academic dishonesty and plagiarism policies.
  • Does not answer the question(s) thoroughly meaning with more than 3 paragraphs
  • Contains contractual phrases, as an example “shouldn’t” “couldn’t” or “didn’t,” or similar
  • Uses vague words such as “proper,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or similar to describe a process, function, or a procedure.
    • As an example, “proper incident response plan,” “appropriate IT professional,” “adequate security,” or similar. These words are subjective because they have a different meaning to different individuals.

requried APA format and intext citations from 2 sources including text book

Implementing Enterprise Risk Management

Author John Fraser; Betty Simkins; Robert Kolb; Kristina Louise Narvaez

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