Week 4 Discussion: Informatics and Patient Safety

Respond to the following question based on this weeks lesson and,  if it’s relevant, include your own personal experienceDescribe two examples of patient safety improvement through the use of health care informatics. Specifically, how did health care Informatics improve patient safety in each example?

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“Rip Van Winkle” and “Young Goodman Brown

“Rip Van Winkle” and “Young Goodman Brown” are told as third-person narratives, not as first-person narratives. The difference is that a third-person narrative presents the characters to us in the words of a narrator rather than from the words of the characters themselves. The story contains descriptions such as “Rip Van Winkle did this” or “Young Goodman Brown said that,” but it’s not as if the characters themselves are telling everything from their perspective. Of course, sometimes they speak in the story, but they do not get to tell the story or what they thinking or feeling. It is up to the reader to determine what the characters might be thinking or feeling.  Imagine you are Rip Van Winkle’s daughter, Judith, writing a journal entry after her father reappears after 20 years. Try to get into the mind of Judith. Be imaginative and creative. Pretend you are Judith and have just seen your father after he has been missing for 20 years. You will not be retelling the plot of the story; you will be Judith reflecting on the events of the day. In this journal entry you can put down whatever thoughts she might have using absolute frankness and honesty.400 words in paragraph form, using Times New Roman 12-point font (or similar) with double spacing

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Menu 1: Schleicher County Nursing HomeMenu 2: Sharon Village Care HomesComparing the two menus- here is the questions that needs to be answered below.1. Compare each original sample menu with its corresponding replacement menu.2. Explain why the team’s menus are better nutritional options for your two facilities.3. Provides at least two references that support your choices on the slide or in the speaker’s notes.

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Module 09 Discussion – Mental Healthcare for Adolescence & Children

Directions:ScenarioRyan is a 12 year old diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). As a small child, Ryan was first diagnosed with Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. He had just started preschool and was unable to remain in one place for more than a minute or two. His parents had already had a very difficult time in disciplining him, because he would become very upset and throw temper tantrums when he could not do as he wished. He just seemed to be an unhappy, irritable child. This behavior continued in school. As time progressed, Ryan was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, because he continued to refuse to listen to adults and comply with the rules.By the age of 12, he has begun to bully and annoy others. His parents have decided that the approaches they have used in the past are not working, and they are more afraid his behavior will only get worse.Initial PostProvide explanations for these questions and statements:Describe the behaviors apparent for each disorder in this scenario (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder).If this behavior becomes worse and Ryan starts to violate the rights of others, what medical diagnosis will be given and why?Discuss at least two types of medication appropriate to treat Ryan and support your choices with rationale and credible resourcesDescribe why therapy for the parent is important in this scenario including at least two supporting rationales.

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1. There are many possible sources of literature available: for example, the West Coast University library electronic databases, such as Medline, Cinahl, and PubMed. Which specific scholarly articles did you use and why did you choose them for your topic?2.  Now that you have fully identified your change project, share it with your peers. Also, share some clinical questions that you might use with the topic and subtopics you chose to complete your research. Why did you and your preceptor decide that this is a needed change? How will this change occur?1 page each and at least 1 scholarly article

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Assignment: Application: Systems Theory

Assignment: Application: Systems Theory

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week 4

A 61-year-old Black male with a history of hypertension presents to your clinic for complaints of headaches and blurred vision x 4 days. He denies any weakness, numbness, chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or recent, illicit drug use. He states he has been compliant with his medications (hydrochlorothiazide and metoprolol), and he took his meds this morning.His V/S include: B/P 190/100, P- 90, T- 98.9, R- 22. Recent labs show that TC- 260, LDL-190, HDL- 35, Trig- 320. He did not return for these results and did not start any new meds.What are your diagnoses and plan of care for this patient? Remember to include your rationales.ExpectationsLength: A minimum of 250 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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6541 WK 4 DISC

Promoting Good Self-Perception, Positive Behavior, and Mental WellnessTo prepare:•Review this week’s media presentation, as well as “Self-Perception Issues” and “Coping and Stress Tolerance: Mental Health and Illness” in the Burns et al. text and the American Academy of Pediatrics article in the Learning Resources.•Select one of the following age groups: infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children, or adolescents.•Select one self-perception, one behavior, and one mental health issue common among members of this age group.•Consider strategies for mitigating each issue that promote good self-perception, positive behavior, and mental wellness in the age group you selected. Reflect on how you might educate parents on implementing these strategies with their children.•Think about resources that you can recommend to parents for additional education and/or support.POST 1 TO 2 PAGES ON : A brief explanation of one common self-perception, one behavior, and one mental health issue for the age group you selected.Then, explain strategies for mitigating each issue that promote good self-perception, positive behavior, and mental wellness in this age group.Explain how you might educate parents on implementing these strategies with their children.Finally, suggest resources that you might recommend to parents for additional education and/or support.REFERENCESBurns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.◦ Chapter 16, “Self-Perception Issues” (pp. 304–318)◦Chapter 19, “Coping and Stress Tolerance: Mental Health and Illness” (pp. 358–386)Hagan, J. F., Jr., Shaw, J. S., Duncan, P. M. (Eds.). (2008). Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.◦“Promoting Mental Health” (pp. 77–107)Jonovich, S. J., & Alpert-Gillis, L. J. (2014). Impact of pediatric mental health screening on clinical discussion and referral for services. Clinical Pediatrics, 53(4), 364-371. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health and Task Force on Mental Health. (2009). The future of pediatrics: Mental health competencies for pediatric primary care. Pediatrics, 124(1), 410–421. Retrieved from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/1/410.full.pdf+html?sid=b8a3f390-00f6-472c-a9ed-a8dc1c650ed3Media•Laureate Education (Producer). (2011b). Risk behaviors in adolescence. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

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For suryana only

APA format 1 and half pages for a response to the discussion below.  4 references 2 from walden university library. Due 10/27/17 at 1800 EST.e nurse leader that I had the pleasure of working for when I was a new nurse in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) is someone that I had admired and hopedto become someday. This particular manager was very knowledgeable, approachable, and easy to talk too. She will rally for her patients, her staff, her unit as a whole andstand up for what is right to ensure quality and safe care. She was well respected by the team, doctors, and other colleagues because she can switch her management styledepending on the situation. One time we had an emergency in the ICU, and she stepped up and led the unit to ensure everyone’s safety and at the same time preparing forthe next move.Leadership styleThis particular manager has been working in the ICU in which high pressure, uncertainty and rapid changes were the norms. (Zydziunaite & Suominen, 2014) Forthe most part, she is a democratic leader. Democratic leadership “are appropriate for groups who work together for extended periods, promotes autonomy and growth inindividual workers. It exhibits less control, directs through suggestions and guidance, communication flows up and down emphasis is on “we” rather than “I” and “you” andcriticism is constructive.”(Marquis & Huston, 2015, p. 40) This particular nurse manager also uses the authoritative leadership style depending on the circumstances. Asmentioned above, during crisis mode or any situation that requires the manager to lead to promote and ensure staff’s feeling of security in which “strong control,communication flows downward, decision making does not involve others”(Marquis & Huston, 2015, p. 40) to ensure safety for staff and patients. Finally, something that Iwould most likely not use would be the laissez-faire style of leadership in which permissiveness with little and no control, provides little or no control over my staff and unitactivity.(Marquis & Huston, 2015)Integrate into my leadership styleNurse Managers, ‘are frequently confronted with difficult decisions, particularly in financial management, resources allocation, activity planning and budgetmonitoring and control.”(Clark-Burg & Alliex, 2017, p. 46) From my previous my nurse manager I would do exactly the type of leadership style. For the most part, I would beusing democratic and just like her, and at the same time use an Authoritative style in decisions that require an immediate decision that will affect patient, staff and unitsafety.I would also incorporate collaboration among the different profession, “which requires participatory approach towards achieving the goals and objectives of theinstitution.”(Qarani, 2017, p. 9) In conclusion, a combination of democratic, authoritative and transformational leadership style I believe will help staff have a sense of jobsatisfaction, trust, feeling of fairness, integrity and holding people accountable. The combination of style will, in turn, increase staff satisfaction and improve quality and safecare for the patient.ReferencesClark-Burg, K., & Alliex, S. (2017, July). A study of styles: How do nurse managers make decisions? Nursing Management, 44-49. Retrieved from www. Walden UniversityLibrary.eduMarquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing Theory and Application (Eight Edition ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott,Williams & Wilkins.Qarani, W. M. (2017, February-April). Transformational Leadership: A Strategy towards Staff Motivation. Manager’s Journal on Nursing, 7(1), 9-15. Retrieved fromwww.Walden University Library.eduZydziunaite, V., & Suominen, T. (2014, October). Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences. Contemporary Nurse, 48 (2), 150-167. Retrieved from www.Walden University Library.eduReply Quote Email Author

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