Healthcare Information Management Paper
/in Uncategorized /by PeterUnit outcomes addressed in this activity:● Discuss the various ways that health information is used within and without health care facilities.● Explain performance improvement and identify performance improvement toolsCourse OutcomePlan reimbursement compliance strategies. Instructions From electronic health records (EHR) to telemedicine, the use of information technology is rapidly expanding.Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information. How can health information improve the provision of quality?Finally, after conducting research, discuss the possible future of information technology in healthcare.1. Title page2. Introduction○ Discuss the importance of health information (2 pages)○ Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information (2 pages)○ Discuss how health information may improve the provision of quality (2 pages)○Discuss the possible future of information technology (2 pages)3. Conclusion4. ReferencesRequirementsThe Assignment should meet all APA standards, be grammatically correct, appropriate and consistent research citation and documentation, appropriate graphics to display data and the results of analysis, and visual materials to support presentation of the overall document.Each section is to be a minimum of two (2) pages and should include a separate title and reference page.References are to be scholarly peer reviewed resources ONLY, with a minimum of four (4) references.
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reply 2 with 3 references
/in Uncategorized /by PeterWhen I started my journey in nursing it became clear to me that advancing my knowledge and skill would be necessary in my nursing practice to positively impact patient outcomes in delivery of safe, high-quality, patient centered care. My decision to choose becoming an Adult and Gerontology Acute care Nurse practitioner was inspired by observing nurse practitioners in the facility I worked in work closely with patients and their nurses to ensure quality care for the patients under our care. Adult-Gerontology acute care nurse provides services ranging from prevention to critical care to stabilize a given patients condition and prevent complications by restoring maximum health. I have worked as a nurse for 15 years with the adult and gerontology population and started as a CNA, then LPN, RN pursued my BSN and now currently working towards a master’s degree, so I am building on knowledge and skills that align with today’s nursing demands. Becoming a nurse practitioner, I will be able to integrate and build upon existing core competencies (Cherry et. al., 2019).Walden university is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) which is a national accreditation agency that serves the public interest by assessing and identifying programs that engage in effective educational practices and supports continuing growth and improvement of collegiate professional education and nursing programs. Knowing this I have confidence that the education I gain will explore strategies for improving health outcomes by gaining the knowledge and clinical skills to provide patient centered care that is comprehensive and geared toward adult and gerontology acute care. The shifting demographics specifically population growth and aging continue to be the primary driver of increasing demand for provider specialties that predominately care for older adults will continue to increase (Walden University, 2018).Getting involved with a professional organization that offers networking opportunities to enhance professional development is a goal I intend to pursue once I establish an organization that aligns with my current role and more importantly one that fosters my career growth. If the organization can provide exposure and knowledge and a means of promoting opportunities to share best clinical practices, leadership skills and is a staunch nurse advocate in promoting rights for the nurses and healthcare consumers and improve communities. It would be an added benefit towards my professional development (Echevarria, 2018).ReferencesCherry, B., Caramanica, L., Everett, L. Q., Fennimore, L., & Elaine, S. (2019). Leveraging the power of board leadership in professional nursing organizations. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11). 517-519.Echevarria, I. M. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organization. Nursing, 48(12, 35-38.Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
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nursing 4-6 page paper
/in Uncategorized /by PeterThe purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze, critique, and summarize original research articles. In other words, select a report of a single, original study. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: (CO 2) Formulate and analyze nursing/clinical problems related to nursing and other disciplines. (PO 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) (CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11) Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3 Total Points Possible: 165 Points Requirements Through this assignment, the student will 1. Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem (CO 2); 2. Construct a summary table of four peer-reviewed quantitative single original studies, indicating the purpose, sample, design/level of evidence, findings, and limitations of each (CO 3), within table bullet points are required to present the information; and 3. Summarize the findings of the four studies as a whole using the usual text format (not a table) (CO 3). Preparing the Table Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to your practice setting. Select the four most recent peer-reviewed studies that describe original research in a single study (do not select a meta-analysis, systematic review of research, or integrative literature review). Refer to the Types of Articles Found in the Nursing and Healthcare document in the Course Resource section to make sure that you are using the correct document. Construct a table summarizing the four most credible and recent studies, using the Research Summary template on the next page (also found in Course Resource Section). Analyze each article and provide the following information in brief format: purpose of the study; type of sample and number of participants; design of the study, along with the level of evidence; findings of the study; and limitations of the study. The use of bullets to present the information in the table (rather than cutting and pasting information from the reference) is required. Cutting and pasting information from the article may result in an evaluated TurnItIn score. Preparing the Summary Briefly (4-6 pages; not including cover page and reference page(s)) summarize the results of the four studies as a whole. Follow this outline: I. In a short paragraph, restate your research question and describe your search strategy. (10 points) II. Analysis of the designs used in the studies presented in your research summary table. (10 points) III. Where do these studies fall on the Levels of Evidence table? What is the significance of this information? (10 points) IV. Based on these studies, what are the findings? What is the answer to the research question? How well do the studies answer or fail to answer the question? Provide rationale to support your answer. (10 points) V. How was each sample selected and how many participants in the studies? Is this number adequate? Why or why not? (10 points) VI. Overall, what are the limitations of the study, and how can these limitations be overcome in subsequent studies? (10 points) VII. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice or an idea for practice? Why or why not? Please provide a rationale for your answer. (10 points) Provide your references, formatted in APA style, after the summary. Include the doi number for each article. Submit a permalink of each article you have chosen for this assignment (directions on how to obtain a permalink are located in the Course Resource section). Instructions for setting up your paper in APA 6th edition format. Look at the example document for this assignment. Start your paper as you would for any scholarly assignment and use of APA 6th edition format is required. Copy and paste the table into your APA paper. This should allow your paper to remain in a vertical format. The vertical (i.e. portrait format) is required. Your paper should be ONE document. Research Summary Table (template provided in a separate document located in Course Resources) Student Name: ___________________ PLEASE NOTE: The information in this table should be presented using bullet points rather than copying and pasting information from the reference. Copying and pasting directly from the article may result in an elevated TurnItIn score. Author (year) Purpose Sample/Number of Participants (provide descriptive statistics) Design Level of Evidence Findings (provide any inferential statistics) Limitations Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Study 4 Category Points % Description Selection of Articles 10 6.06 Selects appropriate, single studies from professional, peer-reviewed literature. Describes the Purposes of Studies 10 6.06 Description of the purpose of the studies is clear. Describes the Study Samples 10 6.06 Description of the samples used in the studies is clear. Describes the Research Designs 10 6.06 Description of the research designs used in the studies is clear. Describes the Level of Evidence 10 6.06 Describes the level of evidence for each study clearly. Description of Findings 10 6.06 Describes the findings of the studies clearly. Description of Limitations 10 6.06 Describes the limitations of the studies clearly. Summary of the Studies 10 6.06 Restatement of research question and search strategy 10 6.06 Analysis of the study designs presented in the summary table 10 6.06 Analysis of levels of evidence and its significance 10 6.06 Analysis of the findings 10 6.06 Analysis of the samples used 10 6.06 Analysis of the limitations of the studies information 10 6.06 Provides recommendation for change or not Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling 10 6.06 Grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with rules for formal written work. APA Formatting 10 6.06 APA formatting is correct Submits permalink of each study chosen 5 3.03 Submits a permalink of each study chosen for this assignment. Place the permalink of each study under the respective reference on the reference page. Total 165 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
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Critical thinking 1
/in Uncategorized /by PeterInitial post with a minimum of 250 words and must contain at least (2) professional references, properly cited in the current APA format.Discussion Topic:Identify and describe one psychological and one philosophical obstacle to critical thinking that you currently struggle with. Without getting too personal, give examples of how these obstacles impede your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Lastly, discuss at least one strategy you intend to employ in overcoming each obstacle and why you think these strategies will be successful.
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/in Uncategorized /by PeterPlease provide complete, thorough, and detailed answers to all questions in the case study attached. Multiple choice answers should include the correct choice and rationale for that choice and/or rationale why other choices are incorrect.Please see attached document.
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Educating the Staff
/in Uncategorized /by PeterPLEASE SEE ATTCHED FOR THE SUBJECT FOR THE POWERPOINTPurposeThe purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.Directions• Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project.• The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation.• The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15-20 slides; excluding the title and reference slides.• Below are the topics for the slides:• Title slide• Description of the change model used• PICO question—include the elements• Scope of the problem—use statistics• Your team/stakeholders• Evidence to support your need for change—from research• Action Plan• Timeline for the plan• The nurses role and responsibility in the pilot program• Procedure• Forms that will be used (if applicable)• Resources available to the staff—including yourself• Summary• References• Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. Citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means choose peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.Guidelines• Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.• Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be between 15-20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).• Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found under the Special Courses list in eCollege.Best Practices in Preparing a PowerPoint PresentationThe following are best practices in preparing this project.• Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font. Do not use paragraphs.• Be creative, but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.• Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.• Review directions thoroughly.• Cite all sources within the slide show with in-text citations, as well as a reference page.• Proofread prior to final submission.• Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.• Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing academic integrity policy.
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Leader ship
/in Uncategorized /by PeterANIMAL RESEARCH
/in Uncategorized /by PeterWhich ethical theory (of the 6 approved ones ONLY – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract) would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? Explain fully. 250 words AND COMPLETE TEMPLATEA) In this reflection you must first define the key terms of the debate (for example, define what Euthanasia/Abortion/Stem Cell/Public Health/PreNatal Testing/Animal Research/Health Care, etc. means and what are the different types depending on which topic you are discussing)B) Define and explain the ethical theory you chose (show me you know exactly what the theory is and does – in your own words)C) Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethicalD) Conclusion – any final thoughts and opinions would go hereE) 2 to 3 resources as support for your evidence (text book counts as 1)
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