Assignment 3: Final Project: Background Paper

This week, you will summarize the key background information needed to define the problem in detail, including why it is a problem, the main causes of the problem, the severity of the problem, who is affected by the problem, and previous attempts to solve the problem.For this assignment:Gather the key background information on the specific problem you described in your last week’s problem statement to further examine and better understand the gap you identified in Week 2.Recall the following example:Recently, nail salons have been the focus of worker safety initiatives because they use hazardous chemicals such as methacrylates, acetates, toluene, and formaldehydes. Are consumers adequately protected from hazardous chemicals when they receive services in the nail salons?The background information to be gathered for the above example would include the key types of information needed by a reader to understand the problem statement, which include the following:The main health hazards of the chemicals listedChemical exposure levels in nail salonsThe types of worker safety initiatives in progress and information on the groups or agencies that are undertaking these initiativesDifferences in exposure levels when salon workers and salon patrons are compared (average duration of exposure is an important component of this)Identification of any vulnerable populations of consumers, such as pregnant womenWrite a 4- to 5-page background paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:Begin by stating the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement that you submitted in Week 2.Provide, in a succinct manner, the key types of information needed by a reader to understand what the problem is and why it is a problem. This includes information such as how big the problem is, who is affected, and the time trends in the problem.Provide factual information needed to understand the problem at the local, national, and global level (background). Include disparities (disadvantaged populations that are disproportionately affected by the problem or vulnerable populations).Include appropriate statistics to document the extent of the problem, medical definitions of pertinent health problems or diseases, pollutant sources, and toxicity profiles of chemicals as indicated.Be sure to provide enough information for the reader to fully understand the question you posed in your problem statement.End the paper with a transitional statement that leads toward (but not yet discussed) the topics of Weeks 4 and 5, namely, the landscape and the stakeholders involved in the problem and the range of options available to address the problem.

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What do you believe would be the hardest challenge or barrier to overcome when implementing a change in strategy? Why?

What do you believe would be the hardest challenge or barrier to overcome when implementing a change in strategy? Why?Read Ch. 10 of Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability (14th ed.)

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free market reproduction and how it relates to the theory

write the sheet and just 250 words

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Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph  with no more  100 words.Donald Walpole3 postsRe:Topic 2 DQ 1According to Huber, self-awareness is an essential component needed to become a successful leader. According to Webster self-awareness is the “knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character”. Leaders with a high self-awareness often predicts overall success (Lipman, 2013). Having self-awareness includes knowing your strong points and your weaker. As a leader realizing your strong points can help motivate others. If you excell at verbal communication you might want to communicate individually with employees. However, if your strength is more toward creating powerpoints then you would send information this way.Leadership of groups requires self-awareness of how your behaviors come across to others in your group. If you know people often see you coming across as demanding, you could try to ensure your group members do not feel you are demanding in your demeanor to others. I also believe as a leader you must always convey a positive attitude, and always set the example for others to follow. Leaders must be aware of the feelings they convey to others based on their outward behaviors. Your employees should always know they can count on you to help them in any way you can. A good leader who shows empathy and treats their employees fairly will earn their respect, this will also help with staff retention and increase overall satisfaction scores.As an example at my current job my nurse supervisor excells at face to face instruction and interaction with her employees. Our latest teaching was related to picc dressings. She stayed late and ensured all employees met with her personally so she could explain the latest changes to them. She understands that her best quality is direclty communicating with people, and does this more than simply creating a powerpoint for all staff to read.ReferencesLipman, V (2013) All Successful Leaders Need This Quality: Self-Awareness. Retrieved fromForbes.comHuber, D. (2014). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (5th ed.).  Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN-13:Webster. com

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Pro abortion

Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?Which Specific ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Why does this theory work?4.       Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.5.       Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate, making sure to cite at least two sources.

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Doctorate of Nursing Practice Innovations

Talk about a nursing innovation you would like to initiate or collaborate on. Think big and expand your imagination.It should be about 2 to 3 minutes long.

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Maternity Teaching plan

Create a 1 page teaching plan

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Journal 6

Journal Assignment—Part 1After reviewing the Practicum Weekly Resource, record responses to the following in your Journal:1)       What strategies will you use as a nurse informaticist to maintain a balance between the wants and needs of the IT department, the administration, and the end user?2)       How can you ensure that the needs of the end user are being adequately addressed?3)       How can you use effective networking as a means of influencing a project?Journal Assignment—Part 2Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format, and provide a brief summary of the article (See Below and attached PDF file)Journal Assignment—Part 3Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met, what you did, and what you gained from the experience.

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WIKI Cultural Competency and Global Health

Final Wiki AssignmentWiki Directions: You will develop three pages in the wiki tool for this assignment. There should be a minimum of 350-500 words per wiki page. Provide reference(s) on each page. Each student will create 3 pages in their wiki tool. Students will respond to the following 3 questions (each question needs to be placed in a page of wiki tool) and comment on at least 1 other colleague’s wiki as directed. Your Initial post for questions 1, 2 and 3Question #1/ Wiki page 1: (10%)What is your culture? What family or cultural remedies have been passed down through the generations of your family ( must describe at least 1 remedy and provide specific examples of why and when the remedy was used and how ( i.e. how prepared, how much ect.) the remedy was used ( i.e specific illness/or wellness for the cultural remedies?) Then, find in the literature evidence to support this practice and post an article or Internet link resource to support your remedy and briefly discuss the findings related to the evidence you found. ( at least 350-500 words)Question #2/Wiki page 2: (10%)Describe a cultural healthcare interaction with a patient of another culture other than your own and state the culture and the cultural patient centered intervention you provided as an RN in the care of this patient.  Now find literature regarding this intervention you provided the patient or another intervention related to the patient’s problem you addressed and describe how you would add to the care of this patient in a culturally competent way based on what you found in the literature. ( There must be at least 2 in-text literature sources/references other than your textbook from this course to support this question). ( at least 350-500 words)Question #3/Wiki page 3: (10%)Choose either your nationality culture ( from question #1) or that of the patient’s culture/nationality in your question #2 and discuss pertinent health issues in the Global sense related to your choice. In other words present what pressing health issues are affecting this country and culture presently. Bring in literature from WHO and other global associations and evidence from the literature to support your choice.  Are there any efforts in place or any plans to reduce this health issue for this country, please explain using evidence? The nation you choose can not be the U.S. . ( at least 350-500 words).APA references and Wiki Best Practices: (5%)There should be a reference list ( at least 5 references excluding course text book) placed at the end of page 3 using APA guidelines. Wiki best practices include: provide images/ color and links to web sources etc. in each of the wiki pages

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6 page paper

– 6 pagesAccording to the Institute of Medicine, Quality Care is defined as “The degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current knowledge.” Implicit in the definition is the role of the health care manager. Write an essay based that supports the Institute of Medicine’s definition of quality care by integrating areas 1 – 4 below.1. Quality Assurance and Initiatives 2. Value of Accreditation and Impact of Cost in Health Care 3. OSHA and other pertinent regulatory agencies in the organization 4. Management of Biohazardous Waste Disposal

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