Review the [Universal Health Coverage Statement]( from the WHO. Then, review one or two of the reports from meetings held…

Review the Universal Health Coverage Statement from the WHO. Then, review one or two of the reports from meetings held in 2013 which is available on their website. In these documents, they discuss the relationship between policy and Universal Health Coverage. Explain what they mean by this and reflect upon whether or not this is the same definition used in the United States. Do all of us view this concept in the same way? If not, how do we differ? As you review these materials, reflect upon the visibility of the role of health care providers in this development process.

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Very Fast Teacher for needed for 500 words in one hour. No plagiarism, 3 concrete references.

Criteria for Putting BSN Program Online

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run through turnitin

I just need a similarity score before i turn it in

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Interview a Nurse Practitioner due 11/6/2022 by 6pm

Part 1: Interview a Nurse Practitioner currently working in a primary care or urgent care setting.  You must include complete responses to all questions provided by instructor.  Please write as question-and-answer format.  Additional issues may be addressed by student at student’s discretion.  Summarize and describe what you learn from the interview and the NP’s role.    Any comment or suggestions regarding NP practice role?· NP credentials include specialty; education level; if not doctoral prepared, plan for doctoral degree? DNP? PhD? EdD? And rational for continue or not continue education.· Type of practice setting· Job description and responsibilities· Years in practice· Any leadership roles in the practice, such as in charge of QI/QC, budgeting, scheduling, practice protocols/polices etc.· Age range of patients· Average # pts. Seen per day· Billing/coding responsibilities· Own Medicare billing number?· Direct reimbursement?· Listed as Primary Care Provider (PCP) in any Manage Care Organization’s or insurance agencies?· How do they accomplish Chart Review with collaborator?· How do they maintain continuing education responsibilities?· If possible, find out what specific protocols are being used in the practice setting.· Ask to see their collaborative practice agreement if applicable.· You may include ANY other information you find interesting. (What do they like most/least about their position? About being an NP in general? Do they belong to any professional organizations? Which ones and why?)· Did this assignment help you understand primary care NP’s role?

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Deliverable 3 – Analysis of Marketing Campaigns

please see attached document

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Week 9_ Patient logs / child – Adolescent

See the complete instructions.

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Weekly Article Summary 5

Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format and write a 1-page summary.Submission Instructions:Must be a research article.Write a 1-page summary using an outline of the steps of the research process, discuss the study type, purpose, and research question(s).The summary is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.The summary should be formatted per current APA and 1 page in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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Peer Respond Discussion 3

Please see instructions attached for a Peer Respond Discussion Board, respond to these two classmates. Thank you

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6565 wk6 assgn1

To prepare: 2 pages: Certification PlanBegin to develop a plan to pass the Certification Exam. Compare your home state’s laws (Georgia) in regards to Advanced Practice Nursing Practice to an alternate state with a less or more restrictive practice environment.For this Assignment, you will create a professional cover letter, resume, and portfolio that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.To prepare:Consider the differences in certification exams options for your specialty (ANCC -vs-AANP)Reflect on how to approach relocating licensure from one state to anotherWrite a 2-3 page paper which summarizes the following:Identify the certification exam you selected and explain why (My Choice is AANP EXAM)Outline your plan for passing the appropriate National Certification ExamDescribe the NP Practice environment for your home state ( Georgia)  highlighting restrictions or limitations for practiceReferenceCertification SitesThe purpose of the credentialing body is to provide a valid and reliable program for entry-level nurse practitioners to recognize and validate their education, knowledge, and professional expertise as a nurse practitioner. Both credentialing bodies will be reviewed including application process.American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (n.d.). American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Certification Program. Retrieved from Nurses Association (n.d.). American Nurses Credentialing Center. Retrieved from Council of State Boards of Nursing (n.d.). Boards and Regulations. Retrieved from Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2011). Statement on Acute Care and Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Practice. Retrieved from MediaThe American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2011, April 19). A Brief History of the AANP [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Crucial Conversation: “Make it Safe”

Discuss application of concepts in Chapter 5 of the attached book. Use appropriate grammar, sentence structure and word choice and correctly cite sources.

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