5-1 SWOT analysis

Using the Shapiro Library and/or your other module resources, identify one recent piece of economic legislation. Describe the legislation and determine its impact on healthcare policy. For example, you could research anti-trust laws and their impact on the healthcare industry. Using a SWOT Analysis chart, assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the healthcare industry as a whole.

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perceptual, neurological, or cognitive issue

Identify a common perceptual, neurological, or cognitive issue and discuss contributing factors. Outline steps for prevention or health promotion for the patient and family.

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CASE STUDY: Clinical  Journal Entry:  1 to 2 pagesA 21 month old Caucasian baby girl was brought to clinic by her mother with complaint of her baby getting irritable, easy tired during the day and sleeps more than usual after small activities at the day care and now she just noticed her skin is pale especially around her hands and eyelids and her husband also confirmed that she did look pale. So they are here today for a checkup even though she notices no other developmental changes. Mother denies any s/s of GI bleed like tarry stool. She has been current with her immunization and has no other medical or surgical history.AssessmentAn active toddler, with recent fatigue, has increase in sleeping, mild exercise intolerance.. She is a picky eater, enjoys small chicken, pork, and some vegetables, but loves milk and drinks about   seven bottles of whole milk daily.Family history reveals mother had anemia during her pregnancy. There is no history of splenectomy, gall stones at an early age, or other anemia in the family.Physical Examination:Vital Signs: Temperature 37.8 degrees C, Blood Pressure 95/50 mmHg, Pulse 144 beats/minute, Respiration 18 breaths/minute , Height 85.5 cm (50th %ile), Weight 13.2 kg (75th %ile). General appearance: He is a pale appearing, active toddler.Reflect on the patient provided who presented with a hematologic disorder during your Practicum experience. Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family and follow up apt . Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting.Readings( Provide 2 more Credible , recent  references)•Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.Chapter 26, “Hematologic Disorders” (pp. 557–584

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The ANA is very influential and they have great resources to help nurses gain the resources necessary to advocate for change.  Nurses have the knowledge of what nursing practice should entail and we have to be able to relay that knowledge to the legislation.  If nurses do not want to be involved in the process, we cannot blame anyone if an undesired law passes out of our own ignorance (Nursing Voice in Politics, 2014). Of course, organizations will help nurses and nurse legislators to network for any neededsupport.  Together with pro-nursing representatives and knowledgeable nurse legislators we can make changes for the betterment of nursing practice and for safer patient practices resulting in better patient outcomes.Nursing Voice in Politics. The Ongoing Relationship Between Nurses and Legislators. (2014). Michigan Nurse, 87(3), 17-21.I WANT A COMMENT FROM THIS POST, NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS AND A REFERENCE NEEDED.

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identifying ethical dilemmas in professional nursing practice.

As you begin your first clinical site rotation, the preceptor asks you about the ethical treatment of clients with Alzheimer’s disease. You are not sure of how to respond, so she suggests you review the Belmont Report. You see that this report has three principles: beneficence, justice, and respect for persons.Select one of these principles and describe why it is essential to you as a professional nurse when caring for clients with Alzheimer’s Disease and their familyDescribe a possible scenario that reflects how nursing services are applied with the principle that you selected.Response PostsResponse Post 1: After reviewing the post of your colleagues, select one that has chosen a Belmont Report principle different than your own and comment on how it is different yet complementary to the principle you selected.Response Post 2: Find a classmate that has chosen the same principle yet described a different scenario. Describe how your classmate’s case may or may not reflect the two Belmont Report principles that he or she did not highlight.Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week. All posts require references AND in-text citations in full APA format. Information must be paraphrased and not quoted. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. NOTE: Finalized postings must be submitted by deadlines. Any edits after deadline will be counted as late submissions and deducted accordingly. If you need to make any corrections for clarity’s sake only, you can write an addendum as a reply to yourself. The initial post will still be the one receiving full grade.

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P – Patient, Population, or problemHemodialysis patients in chronic dialysis facility at risk of Hepatitis B infection. I-Intervention, Prognostic Factor, or…

P – Patient, Population, or problemHemodialysis patients in chronic dialysis facility at risk of Hepatitis B infection.I-Intervention, Prognostic Factor, or ExposureInitial hemodialysis admission laboratory testing of HBs Ag, HBsAb, HBs Core Ab. Administration of HBV series (Engerix B or Recombivax) as soon as HBs Ab result of less than 10 mIU/ml. obtained.C- Comparison or InterventionThe result of HBsAb conversion on pre-dialysis patient administration of HBV and initial hemodialysis admission administration of HBV.O- Outcome you would like to measure and achieved.The number of patients with HBs Ab conversion after the HBV series.Hemodialysis patients are all at high risk of Hepatitis B infection since they are exposed to blood in dialysis unit and being immunocompromized. CDC requirements in all hemodialysis patients are to receive HBV if  HBs AB is less than 10 mIU/ml.It is very important for me in my clinical practice to know how to interpret the Hepatitis B laboratory result and the HBV schedules in order to provide timely administration of HBV to every hemodialysis patients that are susceptible to hepatitis B infection.

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2 pages Due in 12 hours

Community Health Nursing: New RegulationsIdentify a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursingin the United States. Discover the sponsor of the action. Using news reports, statements in the public record, personal telephone or other interview data, outline the reasons for the introduction of the change. Share the information and your thoughts about your findings.Please Folllow Rubric

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Reflective and Projected Practice

Prior to posting, complete the Week 8 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment located in Doc Sharing. Compare your scores from Week 1 to Week 8. How far have you come? How will you use evidence to further improve your nursing informatics knowledge during the next two years of practice?Apa FormatHebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.Chapter 1: Informatics in the Healthcare Professions (pp. 20–31)Chapter 27: Evidence-Based Practice and Research (pp. 541–550)

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Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within your community for preterm infants and their family. Provide the link for your colleagues to view. Does the service adequately address needs of this population? Explain your answer.

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Categories of Informatics Discussion – 400 words

Categories: Public Health Informatics and Clinical Research InformaticsAnalyze (compare and contrast) two definitions for each category.Compare and contrast the focus area of the two categories.Identify and describe a hot topic related to each category.Describe a scholarly website or resource, other than AMIA, for each category.3 references and must be within the last 5 years

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