Module 7: In 600 wordsThe instruction says it is related to module 2, so please see the attached Melnyk PowerPoint and the discussion question and the response you provided to me from module 2. Please cover all questions appropriately and use in-text citations. All references used must have in-text citations.Discussion Board Question:1. The topic for this week is dissemination of research and evidence for practice. Often visualizing how you might share your work in the future may assist in giving you ideas about the planning and conducting of your project so you will have what you need when ready to share.  It may help you think ahead about your future audience. Share at least three of the ways you may consider disseminating your findings when your DNP project is completed on a local, regional and national level. (Related to MO2). I HAVE ATTACHED THE QUESTION AND WHAT YOU WROTE FOR ME IN THAT MODULE 2.2.  When integrating and sustaining EBP Melnyk (2019) stated it is important to know about the current barriers and find ways to eliminate persistent barriers in the work environment.A. Find one peer review article which discusses one of the four models of organizational change discussed in your Melnyk chapter readings;B. discuss ways to b1. create and b2. sustain an environment for EBP, andC. share the evaluative outcomes implemented by the authors.

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1-2 page AMA formatEpidemiology is more than just investigating emerging infectious diseases in different parts of the world. For instance, social epidemiology explores the complex interactions of societal inequities in the occurrence of disease. Please select an epidemiological application/field (i.e. genetic, environmental, infectious disease) that you could see yourself selecting as a profession and provide some of the major skills that you need to acquire to enter the field. You can use the Epidemiology Monitor in order to look for job descriptions. For instance, for spatial epidemiology you would need to learn a geographic information system software in order to be an asset in the field.Additionally, please select a current event in that particular field that has occurred recently. For instance, in genetic epidemiology you would need to understand the role of epigenetics more closely. Please respond to a colleague regarding their aspirations.

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wk 4 template

Use this form as a template, do not modify it, and do not change the font or any point in the format. Just add your answers to the questions to this pre-formatted template. Use the points below as headings for your paragraphs; answer each question separately in a complete section or paragraph, as indicated; and do not mix any answers. Include pertinent citations and references to support your answers (as per APA 7). No fewer than three (3) recent scholarly sources should be used.

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1 1/2 page paper

In Chapter 8 of Medical Sociology, Cockerham discusses the subject of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). He points out that there is a growing interest in these therapies even though there is little clinical research to validate reported results. The trend toward CAM interventions is so widespread that the Institutes of Health has established a National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).This question is comprised of two parts. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required for the combination of Parts A and B.)Part AGo to the NCCAM Web site (http://nccam.nih.gov) and research two (2) CAM therapies. You can choose any two (2) therapies that interest you. You are to describe the results of your research, focusing on the reported safety and efficacy of the therapies. You should prepare a summary of each therapy you researched.(10 points)Part BPrepare a comparative analysis of two (2) safety and two (2) efficacy issues between the CAM interventions you researched in Part A and the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The analysis should include your conclusions and justifications on whether or not the medicinal uses of marijuana should be treated as a legitimate CAM. (15 points)

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Caring for Women & Children

1. Identify the core concepts associated with the nursing management of women, children, and families.2. Examine the major components and key elements of family-centered care.3. Explain the different levels of prevention in nursing, providing examples of each.4. Determine examples of cultural issues that may be faced when providing nursing care to women and children.5. Outline the various roles and functions assumed by the nurse working with women, children, and families.Topic 2Discussion Post Caring for Women & Children1. Demonstrate the ability to use excellent therapeutic communication skills when interacting with women, children, and families.2. Apply the process of health teaching as it relates to women, children, and families

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Please review article. Submit a 2 page summary on three take-aways from the article. Include how you will use nutrition in your career.

Please review article. Submit a 2 page summary on three take-aways from the article. Include how you will use nutrition in your career.

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word document abouth Allergic Rhinitis

APA formatMinimun 800 words, excluding citation and referencespathophysiology, differential diagnosis (minimum of three with rationale), and treatment.Safe assign 22 %

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The Surrogate Role

please include 2 different replies to the discussion post uploaded with at least 1 reference to each reply. Include citations and more than 200 words.

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Discussion: Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

message for instructionshttps://www.discovernursing.com/explore-specialties#no-filtershttps://www.nursingworld.org/our-certifications/

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The use of spirituality in nursing practice is not new.  However, it is more studied and utilized in a more structured format in nursing.  Identify and discuss tools used to evaluate spirituality.Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly articles and 200 words in two answersAPA STYLEREFERENCES WITHIN 5 YEARSIN TEXT CITATIONS

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