HA545 Unit 2 Discussion

In no less than 150 words  Discuss the impact of health policies on health services in terms of the money, human resources, and technology used to produce these services. Your answer should include a discussion on each of the three areas?In no less than 75 words give your personal information to  Felita Daniel-sacagiu  and Tyler BlevinsTyler BlevinsHealth policies determine the nature of health services through their effect on the resources required to produce the services and on the health system through which the services are organized, delivered, and paid for. In terms of money, the United States spends more money on health than any other country. Current health expenditures and projected future increases have significant implications. One can assume that expenditures will increase which will lead to higher prices. Higher prices make it harder for individuals to afford health services or even pay for the insurance to cover their medical bills.There are going to have to be ever evolving policies for human resources and workforce. With projections pointing towards a nursing shortage for example, there were policies created and revised as incentive to get individuals to pursue nursing. Some of those incentives are as follows: loan repayment programs, career ladder programs, best-practice grants, and other repayment programs for nurses willing to teach at a nursing school.Technology is always progressing and newer items are being created and implemented. These technological advances result in pharmaceuticals, devices, and procedures. With these advances it has only given doctors and nurses better tools to diagnose, treat, and cure with. Health policies provide funding for this and allow for the continued growth of technology and medical practices.Longest, B. B. (2016). Health Policymaking in the United States (Vol. Sixth edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press.Felita Daniel-sacagiuHealthcare policy incorporates any law, regulation or research related to the improved implementation of insurance policies, hospital care policies and healthcare research.  It is vitally important as it sets a general plan of action used to lead to or result in desired outcomes and is a fundamental guideline in decision making.The impact of health policies on health services in terms of moneyIn 2010, health reform legislation was passed and introduced a range of payment delivery system changes designed to achieve a significant slowing of healthcare costs growth.  Most of the assessments of the new reform law focused only on the federal budgetary impact.  It was estimated that,  net, the combination of provisions in the new law would reduce healthcare spending by $590 billion between 2010-2019 and lower premiums by approximately $2000.00/per family.  Also, the annual growth rate in national health expenditures might be slowed from 6.3% to approximately 5.7%. Health care reform impacts national health expenditures through five major channels.Impact on new coverageSavings in public programsInsurance exchangesHealth system modernizationPayment innovations, including higher reimbursement for preventative care services and other patient-centered primary careAn Independent Payment Advisory Board, with the authority to make recommendations that reduce cost growth and improve quality in both the Medicare program and the health system as a wholeIncreased funding for comparative effectiveness researchProfiling medical care providers on the basis of cost and qualityImpact on the federal budgetThe impact of health policies on health services in terms of Human ResourcesHealth policies impact money.  Policies are implemented to provide finances for the positions of members in an organization.  The health policies impact the human resources in that they help ensure employees are afforded an efficient and healthy working condition(s) to support employee productivity.  Health policies also:Facilitate planning and decision makingProvide a framework for evaluating employee performanceGather and support health professionals to address healthcare concerns and to legitimize plans of action(s)The impact of health policies on health services in terms of Technology used to produce these servicesThe office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technologies (ONC) coordinateshealth IT and is authorized by Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health(HITECH) Act. The HITECH Act established ONC and provides the U.S. Department of Healthand Human Services with the authority to establish programs to improve healthcare quality,safety and efficiency through Health IT.  ONC is now implementing several provisions of thebipartisan 21st Century Cures Act of 2016.  Other legislation related to ONC includesHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), the Affordable Care Act and theFDA Safety and Innovation Act. Health reform has changed the conditions and how medicaltechnology companies operate.  Most of the provisions of the laws are phased in over time.Federal authorities encourage continuous HIT involvement by creating national regulations andstandards in several areas to improve the quality of health care.Health IT Legislation (2019).  Retrieved fromhttps://www.healthit.gov/topic/laws-regulation-and-policy/health-it-legislationHuman resources for health policies: a critical component in health policies (2003).  Retrieved fromhttps://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1478-4491-1-1The Impact of Health Reform on Health System Spending (2010).  Retrieved fromhttps://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/reports/2010/05/21/7731/the-impact-of-health-reform-on-health-system-spending/Implications of Health Reform for the Medical Technology Industry (July 2010).  Retrieved fromhttps://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/full/10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0436

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