HA530 Unit 5 Assignment

Emergency Preparedness Guide for Assisted LivingYour long-term care facility has asked you as a member of human resources to join the company team to create an Emergency Preparedness Guide for your Assisted Living facility.You are asked to explain the emergency operations plan as part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility. Explain these operations. What is the action strategy to be taken to maintain resident care in the facility and to limit the movement of residents, staff and visitors in order to protect people and property from a hazard? Who will be onsite to ensure the strategy is implemented?Access the planning process as part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility. What does the planning process as part of an Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility look like for your facility? Who at your facility needs to be involved?Provide a Shelter in Place plan for your facility as part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility. If you were to hand this off to family members what main areas will it cover?Develop a Communications Plan. Have one slide of the highlights to show what will it look like—it will need to address stakeholders including media so the community is aware. The Communications Plan is part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for the Assisted Living facility. Who at your facility will be responsible for updating the media?RequirementsYou need to create a PowerPoint presentation for a Board of Directors (10–12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions). Keep slides in the order of the questions given.Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your work.

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