12 page report

TheFinal Research Reportshould be submitted here: Please search for”Latest Technology”and choose any latest technology since 2020 from theGoogle Searchresult for your research paper.Subtitles: Introduce the technology; Explain the purpose of its invention; Analyze its positives; Discuss its negatives or perceived weakness; and suggest how you can improve on the technology.It should be at least 10-15 pages with at least 5 APA citations & matching references.Formatting: Introduction; Image / Table; Conclusion; 12 TNR font; double space; clearly divided small paragraphs; bold & underline headings;have name and course number.Please note the submission will be checked by Turnitin for any form of plagiarism.Naming convention of file to be submitted: firstnameLastname_FinalResearchReport.docx

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