AIS discussion question

1. Which cloud-based accounting information system should Pia select and why? 2. Should Pia be worried about possible lock-in with either accountant or system provider? 3. How should Pia mitigate the possible data security risks? 4. Is price an important factor when choosing the system? 5. What is the optimal division of work between Pia and the accountant? Should Pia outsource all the accounting tasks, use selective outsourcing, or keep all tasks to herself? Evaluate each accounting task on their suitability to outsourcing in the cloud context. Use Table A1 provided in Appendix and discuss the implications of your choices. 6. How to ensure a good fit between the selected system and the work arrangement? 7. What are the transaction costs incurred by the decision? 8. What about long term strategy? Reflect on the implications of your choices in the future.

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