cloud computing
Assessment item 2Concepts and ModelsValue: 15%Due date: 26-Mar-2015Return date: 19-Apr-2015Submission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskAnswer each of the questions below:Describe the difference between a locally hosted service (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and a service provided using an SaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from a locally hosted service to an SaaS service. Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages.Describe the difference between locally hosted infrastructure (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and infrastructure provided using an IaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from local hosted infrastructure to an IaaS service provider. Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages.DTGOV, the department in our case study, wants to investigate moving to a service based model where many of its services would be supplied to its clients as a service, in addition to its plans to move to an IaaS model (See the DTGOV Roadmap and Implementation Strategy (Erl, Mahmood, & Puttini, 2013, p. 19)). There are a number of infrastructure models that could possibly be used to achieve this. Some of these models are:Local hosted infrastructure and applications;Local hosted infrastructure with some SaaS applications;Hybrid infrastructure (some locally hosted infrastructure with some IaaS) and applications;Hybrid infrastructure and applications with some SaaS applications;Full IaaS model with some with SaaS apps;Full SaaS model.You are required to choose an infrastructure model that you think will achieve the DTGOV Roadmap;Describe the benefits and drawbacks, excluding costs, of your chosen infrastructure model. Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages.Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.RationaleThis assessment will cover the following objectives:Be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different Cloud Computing Architectures to meet a set of given business requirements;Be able to evaluate a set of business requirements to determine suitability for a Cloud Computing delivery model;Marking criteriaMarking CriteriaQuestionMarksQuestion 1 – Services10Question 2 – Infrastructure10Question 3 – a. Infrastructure model15Question 3 – b. Benefits & drawbacks15Total50Spelling, grammar & presentation (up to -5 marks)Referencing (up to -5 marks)Assessment RubricQuestionHDDICRPSFLQ1 – ServicesClear, comprehensive description of service differences, critical points identified & discussedDetailed description of service differences, critical points identified & discussed,Good description of service differences, some critical points identified & discussed,Adequate description of service differences, some critical points identifiedIncomplete or inadequate description of service differences, none or few critical points identifiedQ2 – InfrastructureClear, comprehensive description of infrastructure differences, critical points identified & discussed,Detailed description of infrastructure differences, critical points identified & discussed,Good description of infrastructure differences, some critical points identified & discussed,Adequate description of infrastructure differences, some critical points identifiedInadequate or incomplete description of infrastructure differences, none or few critical points identifiedQ3a Infrastructure ModelClear & comprehensive description of infrastructure model choice and reasoningDetailed description of infrastructure model choice and reasoningGood description of infrastructure model choice with some reasoningAdequate description of infrastructure model choice with limited reasoningInadequate or incomplete description of infrastructure model choice with no reasoningQ3b Benefits & DrawbacksClear & comprehensive description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with reasoningDetailed description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with reasoningGood description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with some reasoningAdequate description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with limited reasoningInadequate or incomplete description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with no reasoningSpelling, Grammar, PresentationUp to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammarAPA referencingUp to 5 marks may be deducted for not providing or following the proper APA style of referencing.Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the Resource Section of the ITC561 Interact site.
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