2 part assignment

Video Case Assignment: Chapter 5, Case 2 Data Warehousing at REIWatch the following Video Case. Then, read more information about the case in the pdf linked below:·       Chapter 5, Case 2 Data Warehousing at REI:  Understanding the Customer·o   IBM DB2 Data Warehousing – REIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KEkA3O784so   EMIS10_CH05_Case2_DataWarehousingREI.pdfAfter reading the Video Case file for this module, answer both of the following questions:1.     What is a data warehouse and why is REI building one?2.     What are some of the risks or concerns surrounding the creation of a data warehouse?Your response should be in a Word document at least one page long, double-spaced and following APA guidelines for formatting and references.  A cover page is not required, but be sure that your name is in the header of the document.  Attach your completed assignment to this content area.Refer to Chapter 5 of your text to complete this assignment.  This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.  Use the file attached to this content item as a source for the questions below.Your industrial supply company wants to create a data warehouse where management can obtain a single corporate-wide view of critical sales information to identify bestselling products, key customers, and sales trends.   Your sales and product information are stored in two different systems:  a divisional sales system running on a UNIX server and a corporate sales system running on an IBM mainframe.  You would like to create a single standard format that consolidates these data from both systems.1.     Identify the primary key of MPD. Sales table. (10 points)2.     Using Figure 5.10 in your text as an example, create a SQL Select Query to pull Product_ID, Product_Description and Units_Sold for Product 85773 from the CSS.Sales table.  Hint:  do not use the CSS prefix in your query. (10 points)3.     Identify the data problems that must be resolved as you determine the system of record for each of the attributes in the proposed data warehouse.  Who should make those decisions, the database specialist or the business manager leading this data warehouse project?  Why? (10 points)4.     What business problems are created by having two disparate sales systems? (10 points)5.     List and describe how each of the five business intelligence reports covered in section 10.2 of your text will leverage the information below to provide actionable information. (10 points)**Sample data warehouse layout for this company.  You are not required to fill out this table.**Proposed Data Warehouse FormatProduct_IDProduct_DescriptionCost_Per_UnitUnits_SoldSales_RegionDivisionCustomer_IDAnswer the five questions in a Word Document and attach it to this assignment content area.  You are NOT REQUIRED to follow APA formatting for this document, but be sure to include your name at the top of the 1st page.SUPPLIMENTAL GUIDANCEAs is the case with many of the Online sections for this course, I have gotten some good questions related to the Assignment 3 content and I wanted to give you some clarifying guidance on what is expected.  This assignment is arguably the most technically challenging, especially when you do not have the opportunity for a class session to talk through the content.For the assignment, you are to use the PDF document attached to that specific content item (in Module 4) in order to help you complete questions 1 thru 5.  The PDF shows you two records from two separate tables housed in two separate databases (MPD and CSS).  The chart at the bottom of the content area is there only for reference to help you understand what a combined data warehouse model may look like as you brought those two database tables together.  You are not expected to fill out this chart or re-create it in any fashion.-For question 1, you need to identify the primary key of one of the tables on the MPD database.  Note (as shown in the question) that the way parent objects and children are reflected in database terms is to list the PARENT.CHILD separated by a period.-For question 2, you are being asked to try and create a basic SQL query to extract certain information from one of the SALES tables (the one from the CSS database).  SQL queries have three parts (refer to sample figure 5.10 as a guide) and here is some additional information on each:- a SELECT clause, which is where you state what fields you want to see in your results.  Fields are properly written as TABLE.Field1, TABLE.Field2, etc.- a FROM clause, which is where you state from what table you want to pull the results.  The example in the text has two tables, but you are only pulling from one (SALES) for this assignment.- a WHERE clause, which is where you state how you want to filter the results.  This is where you define the specific constraints.  Without this, it will pull all fields you asked for in the SELECT, from the table you asked for in the FROM line.An example would be: SELECT TABLE.Field1, TABLE.Field2, TABLE, Field3FROM TABLEWHERE TABLE.Field1 = 12345Note that in the actual query, there is no mention of the database you are pulling from (MPD or CSS in this example).  Rather, this is done at a level above any queries since a SQL query only goes against a single database.  Thus, you do not need to have any reference to the MPD or CSS database as part of your query.- For questions 3 & 4, you should refer to section 5.4 where there are topics on information assurance and quality of information to help you answer this.  Specifically for #3, you should do some analysis on the two tables from the attachment and identify some inconsistencies that may cause issues should you simply merge the two tables together into a single warehouse.- For question 5, refer to section 10.2 where there are actually six business intelligence ‘capabilities’ identified (HINT:  first one listed in ‘Production Reports’).   You should select five of them and provide your response for this question.Finally, note that the last line of the content states that you can simple paste your responses into the assignment content area – no need to submit a separate Word doc here.

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