Exercise 5.3 Offsite versus on site 1. Your organization has approximately 10TB of data, and you need to decide if your organization should have on-site or offside tape storage. 2. Your Organization must be able to easily recover data no older than one mo

Exercise 5.3 Offsite versus on site1. Your organization has approximately 10TB of data, and you need to decide if your organization should have on-site or offside tape storage.2. Your Organization must be able to easily recover data no older than one month, as an operational requirement.3. Your Organization’s further requirement is that recovery operations must resume at minimal levels for all systems within two weeks of a total catastrophe at the data center.4. Decide how your organization should house its backups.Note:1. Write an assignment at least 400 TO 500 words with the cations.2. Indicate at two source or reference in your original post.  You can use Disaster Recovery textbook or current research articles.3. Last date of assignment of 07/29/2018 on Sunday before 11:00p.m

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