Hey, you guys! I need help with this two part assignment. Read it carefully before accepting my bid! As always plagiarism will be checked, thanks.Part 1:Web Application and Database Integrations:Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 15 of your textbook and the SQL Tutorial (Links to an external site.) and Basic SQL Statements (Links to an external site.) articles as well as the Connection URL Sample (Links to an external site.), The DBCP Component (Links to an external site.), and How to Create a Database Connection From an ASP Page in IIS (Links to an external site.) articles, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture. It is also recommended that you review the Interfacing a Relational Database to the Web (Links to an external site.) and How to Setup a Debian Linux Database Server Using MySQL (Links to an external site.) resources for additional assistance with completing this discussion.In Week Five, we discussed the use of JDBC and ODBC technologies to connect user applications to back-end databases. In this discussion, we will delve further into the technologies that connect Internet applications to back-end databases. There are different challenges and security risks faced when connecting a user application on an internal network versus connecting applications from an Internet web interface to a back-end database.Several possible system architectures are available to connect a database to a web application. Review some of the available system architectures and focus primarily on how they enable a database to respond to an HTTP request (Web request). For this discussion, you will compare the Apache web server and IIS (Internet Information Services).No More than 300 wordsPart b:Database Design ProjectFor the final assignment of this course, you will analyze user needs to facilitate the development of a database using SQL server to track the software and hardware assigned to the employees of a given organization. The purpose of this database project is to facilitate the development of data models that can be translated into relational databases.Organizations are legally required to track software and ensure that only legally procured software licenses are deployed. As a database architect, your task is to develop a database to track software and hardware for the ConstructCo Company. ConstructCo is a small construction company that employs 50 employees and owns over 80 desktop computers, laptops, and servers. You will be using the SQL Server environment provided during this course. This database will ultimately be used as a basis for a software license management tool to assist the company in tracking how the licenses and workstations/PCs are deployed throughout the organizationYou must use the ConstructCo Database Design Project template in the creation of your assignment. For each section of the template, including the content required as listed below.Document HistoryThe information in this section will be pre-populated in the template. The only required content will be your name in the “Revised By” column.Executive SummarySummarize the project parameters including a short description of each of the following sections: Conceptual Design, normalization phase, physical design, Data retrieval and connecting to online databases. There is a Sample of an Executive Summary (Links to an external site.)on the Ashford Writing Center website for your reference.Conceptual design (ERD creation)Review the feedback provided for your Week Two ERD Creation interactive assignment. Carefully review the ISM641 Database Design Project: Business Rules and revise your Visio conceptual model (or entity-relationship diagram) for your database. Ensure that the following requirements are met.Identify all entities and attributesIdentify all primary keysDefine all relationships between entitiesNormalizationOnce the ERD is completed for your ConstructCO database project, you will create the Logical Data Model and check the model against the 3rd Normal Form (3NF). For this phase of the project review your existing ERD feedback from your Week Three assignment where you converted your ERD into a Logical Data Model in 3NF. Using information from your Week Three assignment feedback revise your Logical Data Model. Describe the three normal forms and justify how each of your tables meets 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Normal Form utilizing a minimum of three professional sources to support your statements.Physical DesignIn Week Four, you created your database in the SQL server you were provided within your lab environment and translated this design into SQL server tables with appropriate fields. Select the appropriate data type for every field. The specific data type you select will depend on the size and range of the values that will be stored in the field.Specify all primary keys as “identity” fields, and not as auto-increment.After creating the tables, use the “insert” command to populate the tables with sample data for all the tables. (This will be affirmed in your SQL server in the lab environment.)Data RetrievalProvide select statements to satisfy the following data requests.List all available laptops assigned laptops to managers.List all available named licenses.List the workstations that are over three years old (from the date of purchase) and assigned to leads.List the name of the leads, workstation IDs, and location.List the names of all the leads in the operations department.List all the workstations with an amount of disk space less than the average disk space available in all workstations.List the names of all managers with employees who have not been assigned a workstation.Include screen shots of the SQL statements used to perform each step as well as the result sets resulting from the execution of the SQL statements. Describe what you did to complete each step.Connect Online Databases with Front-End InterfacesIn order to connect the database with the front-end interface, you will modify the Java code provided on the Connection URL Sample (Links to an external site.) website to retrieve the list of all workstations assigned to managers. The output must include the first name, last name, and department of the managers as well as the workstation ID and date of purchase.Modify the Java Code to insert new workstation record in the workstations table if provided with the WorkstationID, type, location, purchase date, memory, disk space, and CPU speed.Include the modified code by copying and pasting the code as plain text at the bottom of this section.The Database Design ProjectMust be 15 pages (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust document any outside resources used in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
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