Riverbed Modeler Assignment

Please follow the steps below to open the Riverbed Modeler file:Unzip the A2.project file.Open Riverbed Modeler software, click on manage model files and add model directory, select A2.project file.Submission Requirements:Submit both your Riverbed Modeler file and report. Your Riverbed Modeler file should contain all scenarios that you have createdReport:Save the document with your first and last name and student number e.g. Thomas Johnson s123456.pdfsubmit it through LearnlineRiverbed Modeler fileSave the file with your first and last name and student number e.g. Thomas_Johnson_s123456zip up the file and email it to me at [email protected]Your report must be a single document in .doc or .pdf format.Submission must be your own work and zero mark will be given for any cases of plagiarism or late submission.Due date for this assignment is Friday 11:59 PM, Week 11

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