Discussion Responses

Responses must be in APA format, 250+ words per response, no less than one legitimate, verifiable reference per discussion post Due by 12 AM May 12 , 2019.Referring to the MTC Case   Study, Raj Patel, the Chief Information Officer (CIO), has indicated that the   current IT strategy is to adopt Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This   week’s discussion focuses on the benefits, considerations, and risks of adopting   a SaaS solution.Group 4: Review the Week 7 reading Implementing a SaaS Solution and then prepare your initial response as follows:1. List two benefits of the IT Strategy to use a SaaS solution to support the hiring process.2. Identify three things the CIO and his team should look for as they consider which SaaS vendor to select.  Explain what they are and why they are important to MTC’s business.3. Then, explain what you think is MTC’s biggest risk in outsourcing this IT function, why you selected that risk, and what MTC’s IT department’s key responsibilities are to minimize risk and protect the business as they select and use a SaaS solution.Remember – the Group 4 initial posting is due by Wednesday midnight; it should be about two short paragraphs in length, supported by external research, and it should be posted by clicking on “Start a New Thread”.  These postings need to thoroughly respond to the questions and incorporate relevant research correctly.  Please look at what has been posted by your classmates before choosing your examples, and then select something that has not yet been discussed, if possible. Let’s try to spread the discussion across as many examples as possible.Then members of Groups 1,2 and 3 should reply to at least three different postings by other classmates before Sunday midnight.  Responses to initial postings should be specific and assess whether posting accurately and sufficiently addresses the questions asked in the discussion topic, and should incorporate relevant research correctly.  Explain your assessmentas to why the information is or is not correct and/or complete, providing correct information to enhance the discussion.

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