Modeling policy with simulations.

Please find a total of 4 websites that are related to modeling policy with simulations. These can be and include eGovPoliNet and others that have been mentioned in the papers, readings or videos. They can be community based, software based, or other, but make sure they are related to the topics that we are discussing this week.Please describe the purpose of the website.What you learned from visiting the website.Anything else what you want to describe.There should be at least 200 words for each website visited, for a total of around 800-1000 words for the main posting. Please make sure that this post is made by Wednesday at midnight. After this posting you want to make sure that substantively reply to two other postings before Sunday at midnight.Rubric – Used for discussion board gradingApplication – 30%Explicitly and thoroughly explains, applies, and integrates a) concepts from this or other courses, b) outside resources or research, c) life experiences, and/or d) processes used to solve problems.Critical Thinking – 30%Clearly articulates a desire to a) reflect, b) explore possibility, c) recognize ambiguity, d) question assumptions, and/or e) search for logical relationships among ideas. Selects, analyzes, and synthesizes relevant information to demonstrate original thinking.Collaboration – 30%Fosters collaborative learning while a) problem-solving, b) respectfully challenging others, and/or c) expanding thinking through responses and reflection with other learners throughout the week. Builds on classmate and instructor contributions to deepen the conversation.Presentation – 10%Demonstrates attention to APA/MLA style and structure, adheres to rules of grammar and etiquette, and properly cites references to literature and course materials.

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