Inferential statistics

QUESTION 1In an ANOVA, what are the degrees of freedom for the following output:ANOVA      Source of VariationSSdfMSFP-valueF critBetween Groups71.64921235.82462.5037160.1152793.68232Within Groups214.62861514.30857          Total286.2778172, 152, 172.50175 pointsQUESTION 2Males and females were compared for the mean number of smiles during a five-minute interview. The 30 males’ mean was 3.62 and the 24 females’ mean was 5.04. An α level of .05 was adopted and an F = 4.02 was obtained. What conclusion is appropriate?males smile more than femalesfemales smile more than malesthe null hypothesis should be retainednone of the choices are correct5 pointsQUESTION 3The one way ANOVA is not appropriate if the data come fromneither choice is correctboth choices are correctpopulations that do not have the same meanpaired-samples design;5 pointsQUESTION 4The null hypothesis in an ANOVA problem is thatone or more of the groups was drawn from a different population;none of the groups were drawn from the same population;any of the other alternatives, depending on how many levels of the independent variable there are.all the groups are drawn from the same population;5 pointsQUESTION 5When the F value in the F table is smaller than the F value calculated from the datareject the null hypothesis;none of the choices are correctretain the null hypothesis;reject or retain the null hypothesis, depending on how far apart the group means are;5 pointsQUESTION 6A researcher conducted a paired sample t-test to determine if advertisements were viewed more in the morning (before noon) or in the evening (after 5pm) for eight different universities.  The results were as follows:MorningEvening MorningEveningMean3240.625Variance89.71428571504.5536Observations88Pearson Correlation0.343785438 Hypothesized Mean Difference0 df7 t Stat-1.152587077 P(T<=t) one-tail0.143458126 t Critical one-tail1.894578605 P(T<=t) two-tail0.286916252 t Critical two-tail2.364624252Is there a significant difference between morning and evening access to the university advertisements?  Yes, there was a significant difference between Morning (M= 32), and Evening (M=40.625), (t [7] = 1.15 p < .05).No, there was no difference between Morning (M= 32), and Evening (M=40.625), (t [7] = 1.15, p < .05).No, there was no difference between Morning (M= 32), and Evening (M=40.625), (t [7] = 1.15, p > .05).Yes, there was a significant difference between Morning (M= 32), and Evening (M=40.625), (t [7] = .28, p < .05).5 pointsQUESTION 7p < .01 means that thethe results are significantneither choice is significant the null hypothesis should be rejectedboth choices are correct5 pointsQUESTION 8In an independent samples design, the Dog's mean was 54.0 and the Cat's mean was 53.9. Larger scores are better. A t value of 2.50 was calculated and an α level of .05 adopted. Which conclusion is appropriate with a 2-tailed test?If df = 5, Dogs are significantly better than CatsIf df = 9, Dogs are not significantly different from CatsIf df = 10, Dogs are significantly better than CatsIf df = 4, Cats are significantly better than Dogs5 pointsQUESTION 9p < .05 means that the difference between sample meansnone of the choices are correctthe results should be declared "not significant";both choices are correctshould be attributed to chance rather than to the independent variable5 pointsQUESTION 10With an acknowledgment to Sesame Street, "Which of these things is not like the others, which of these things doesn't belong?"matched pairsnatural pairsrepeated measuresindependent samples

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