Infrastructure design assignment

Part 1: Infrastructure DesignCreate an 8–10-page infrastructure design document in which you:Identify the major hardware and software components of your hypothetical e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.Design your e-commerce company’s hardware (database and proxy servers, network equipment) and software (analytics, big data, API, content management) from a size, scale, type, and interoperability standards perspective.Document the potential security vulnerabilities and a security design for your e-commerce company.Use graphical tools to create a data flow diagram (DFD) for your e-commerce company.Use sources to support your writing.Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.Part 2: Updated Gantt ChartUse Microsoft Project to update the previously created Gantt chart with the major and minor tasks identified in the infrastructure design document.

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