250 word count Read Question for direction

After reviewing this week’s learning materials, in no less than 250 words, please address the following two prompts in your initial post. Be sure to include numbers (1, 2) to organize your post. Also, in your initial post, include the word count of your answer (not including the prompts/questions) and include page numbers from the textbook.1) After learning about various mental disorders, describe a disorder that you view differently now. How has the class changed your view or understanding of this disorder(s)? Did you gain more clarification of the symptoms, treatment, prevalence, etiological factors, etc.?2) Describe at least two ways the content you learned can be applied to your life.  Responses may include answers to some of the following: Does your current or future occupation benefit from your knowledge about mental disorders, effective treatment, etc.? Has your perspective changed on how to support someone who is suffering emotionally? Has your faith perspective changed in regards to abnormal behavior, the role of Christians in providing support/help, etc.?”**Due 04/26/2022**Please complete on-time** No plagiarizing

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