Critical Thinking 3

CTQ1. Read the Minicase from Chapter 4 or Chapter 5. Answer all the Discussion Questions in the end of the Minicase.CTQ2. Pick one question to answer from the following list. Use your own language. Copying from the textbook will result in 0 points.What do you see as the likely evolution of the Internet in the near future?Offer an example of a tippy market and an example of a market that does not tip.Explain the defining characteristics of a two-sided network and provide an example.Define networks, marketplaces, and platforms and discuss their differences.What is the defining characteristic of classic information goods? How do they differ from information-intensive goods? Provide examples of each.Explain what we mean by the richness/reach trade-off. Why is this concept important today for general and functional managers? Provide examples of recent technologies that have pushed the richness/reach trade-off frontier farther out. What industries or organizations are under pressure as a consequence of this development?Do you believe that “the Internet changes everything,” or is it “just another technology”? Be sure to defend your position.Use the process virtualization theory to discuss the likelihood for two processes of your choice to be performed digitally.What is the difference between sustaining and disruptive technologies? Offer one example of each.Discuss the main features of Web 2.0 that differentiate it from its predecessor.Define the term mobile platform and discuss its impact on today’s business environment.Define each of the following terms and provide examples: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), consumer-to-consumer (C2C), consumer-to-business (C2B), and eGovernment.Define each of the following terms and provide examples: brick and mortar, bricks and clicks, and pure play.What problems can be effectively addressed through crowdsourcing? Define the terms and discuss, with proper examples, how crowdsourcing may effectively address each class of problems.

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