Corrections Power Point

Final Project: Best Practice Implementation Plan (30 Points)No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.Objectives:Identify the stakeholders with whom correctional administrators interactIdentify the strengths and weaknesses of the correctional systemDescribe the process of developing an implementation planTo synthesize program elements and structures to provide the basis for a program considered to be using best practicesYou are employed by the State Department of Correction.  The system consists of nine correctional facilities; 1 Maximum security; 3 Medium security, 3 Minimum security, and 2 Community Based Work Release facilities.  You are employed at one of the Medium Security facilities.Facility DescriptionState Correctional InstitutionMedium SecurityPopulation 1600 convicted felons12 general population housing units, 60 double bunked cells in each.200 additional beds located in a dorm that was previously used as a gymnasium30 bed Special Management Unit30 bed Health Services Unit350 correctional security staff150 non-security program staffMaintenance, Food Services, and Medical Services are provided by contract employees.Agency Mission:The State Department of Correction protects the public, its employees, and inmates under its supervision.  This is accomplished by operating safe and secure correctional facilities; and by providing inmates with opportunities to change their behavior and learn skills that will assist them to be productive, law abiding citizens upon their release from custody.Vision Statement:As an integral part of the criminal justice system we will strengthen public safety by achieving excellence in correctional practices.AssignmentYou have previously provided the Warden with a report on a Correctional “BEST PRACTICE REENTRY” program.  The Warden has now instructed you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation detailing the implementation of the “REENTRY Best Practice.” The presentation will be given to the Commissioner, and at the minimum will include:A description of the program.An explanation why the program is needed in the Department of Correction.Explain how this initiative contributes to the agency fulfilling its mission and vision.Identify the fixed cost items which will be necessary to get the program established.  (You do not have to provide the actual budget.  Provide the information necessary for the fiscal department to prepare a budget e.g. personnel, supplies, equipment, etc.)Explain if the implementation plan will require negotiations with the Union?  If so, why?Identify the stakeholders.  What involvement, if any, should they have in the implementation of the project?Format Requirements-PowerPoint presentation:The presentation will include a title page (not included in slide count)Include your nameCourse Title and NumberProject TitleDate of SubmissionThe final work may include photographs, charts, graphics, or any other appropriate elements to enhance the effectiveness of your PowerPoint presentation.You are limited to 18 PowerPoint slides.Additional narrative (as though you were presenting to a live audience) shall be added to the Notes section of the slide.Use APA citations for all sources.Include a reference page slide (not included in the slide count)You will be graded on the thoroughness of your research and the effectiveness of your presentation.

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