Discussion 02.1: Central Tendencies

MA3010 – Statistics for Health ProfessionsDiscussion 02.1: Central TendenciesFor this discussion forum, refer to the Excel file,  Discussion 2-1 Data Set, that contains 10 data points for Systolic and 10 data points for Diastolic blood pressure.1.Identify the worksheet (tab) that matches the first letter of your LAST name (i.e., if your last name were Fudd,” you would use the data from the “F” tab).2.Using the data from your worksheet identified in Step 1, calculate the systolic mean, median, mode, and midrange. Show in your response how you calculated each of these.3.Using the data from your worksheet identified in Step 1, calculate the diastolic mean, median, mode, and midrange. Show in your response how you calculated each of these.MYLAB STATISTICS WITH PEARSON E-TEXT 18 WEEK FOR Biostatistics for the Biological & Health Sciences

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