week 13 / reflection 3

Complete this week’s assigned readings, chapters 27 & 28.  After completing the readings, post a short reflection, approximately 1 paragraph in length, discussing your thoughts and opinions about one or several of the specific theories covered in the readings.


Nursing Theories: A Framework For Professional Practice

ISBN-13: 9781284048353

ISBN-10: 1284048357

Author: Kathleen Masters

Edition: 2

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning


Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice (Parker, Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice)

ISBN-13: 9780803633124

ISBN-10: 0803633122

Authors: Marlaine Smith PhD RN AHN-BC FAAN; Marilyn E. Parker PhD RN FAAN

Edition: 4

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: F.A. Davis Company

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