The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to successfully search for, analyze, and critique credible and relevant research articles with an emphasis on data interpretation while applying important APA components.Recommended: Before you begin, review chapter 3 in Research Techniques for the Health Sciences and chapter 2 in A Pocket Style Manual (APA).Write a 1– 2 paragraph literature review (of one source) that includes the following:Your problem statement (thesis)Your hypothesisThe research question (may be a clinical question or your hypothesis) you intend to address with this sourceA list of 3 – 5 key words/ phrases used to search the research questionThe APA reference for the source you will use for the literature reviewA review of the literature that includes:A comprehensive analysis of the data (include in-text APA citations as needed)A review of the validity of the data and the findingsAn assessment of the relevance of the source in addressing your problem statement (thesis)Your unique contribution: Identify ideas not addressed, gaps in the data or analysis, or new problems that emerge from your review of the literaturePosition Paper Written AssignmentA position paper is a document you could present to a legislator to seek support for an issue you endorse. Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature; and this can be the topic you choose for your ethical issues debate.Your position paper should:Be quickly and easily understood.Be succinct and clear.Appear very professional with the legislator’s name and title on top and your name and your credentials at the bottom.Condense essential information in one, single-spaced page, excluding the title and reference list pages.Be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA format.Clearly describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph.Include 3–4 bullet points regarding why you are seeking the legislator’s vote, support, or opposition. Bullet points should be clear and concise but not repetitive and should reflect current literature that substantiates your position.Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.Conclude with two recommendations that you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for or against, a change in policy, or the introduction of new legislation.Use APA format (6th ed.), correct grammar, and references as appropriate.The literature you cite must be from peer-reviewed journals and primary source information. You may use this paper as preliminary research for your ethical issues debate project that occurs in weeks 4-7.

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