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Behavioral and Cultural Issues in Healthcare_________________________________________________________DISCUSSION BOARDApplying a Model to Develop an InterventionIn this week’s Discussion you will examine how the PRECEDE-PROCEDE, Intervention Mapping, and Mobilizing for Planning and Partnership (MAPP) models are used to develop intervention programs.To prepare for this Discussion, your Instructor will assign you to one of three groups (based on your last name):Group A: The PRECEDE-PROCEED modelGroup B: The MAPP modelGroup C: The Intervention Mapping modelCheck the Announcements area for your assignments.Next, imagine that you are a health educator or other health professional that is planning a prevention program that relates to your assigned Healthy People focus area. Your goal is to develop a program that reduces the incidence of the disease and decreases the risk factors associated with the disease.After reviewing this week’s readings, articles from the library, credible websites, etc., you will learn how other organizations have developed programs related to this particular Healthy People assigned focus area. Have they used a planning model in their program design? If so, which model?By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following questions:(Note: Respond within the group with your assigned model in the title.)How could you apply the assigned model to develop a culturally-competent intervention program to reduce the incidence of a particular disease?Explain how some of the constructs (components) of the model would be considered in your program design.What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the planning model you were assigned?Do you think the model you chose is the best model (from others mentioned in the readings or in the literature) to use for addressing this particular disease/health issue? Why or why not?Be sure to cite your supporting documentation appropriately in correct APA format.  Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).________________________________________________________________ASSIGNMENT…………………………………..MY ASSIGNMENT IS DISABILITYWelcome to In the News!The In the News assignment has been designed to give you the opportunity to review current news articles about one of the Healthy People assigned focus areas addressed by the Healthy People 2020 program’s Vision, Mission, & Overarching Goals: the first few days of Week 1, your Instructor will assign one of the following Healthy People assigned focus area to you based on last name. For example, the Healthy People assigned focus area, “Access to Health Services” would be assigned to “Aaronson, Robert.”Access to Health ServicesArthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back ConditionsCancerChronic Kidney DiseaseDiabetesDisability and Secondary Conditions(THIS IS MY CHOSSEN ASSIGNMENT PER THE PROFESSOR)Environmental HealthHeart Disease and StrokeHIVImmunization and Infectious DiseasesInjury and Violence PreventionMaternal, Infant, and Child HealthMental Health and Mental DisordersNutritionand Weight StudiesOral HealthRespiratory DiseasesSexually Transmitted DiseasesSubstance AbuseVisionTo prepare for this assignment, keep your eyes open for an article in an online news publication that relates to your Healthy People assigned focus area. The news article should be intended for the general public. Examples of such sources follow:· Magazines and newspapers (e.g., The New York Times)· Health news websites (e.g., National Public Radio’s (NPR’s) “Health” section)· News updates from government sites, such as “In the News” at the National Institutes of Health site (, upper right-hand corner of homepage) or “Science News” at the National Institute of Mental Health ( you find an article:Consider how it relates to your Healthy People assigned focus areaReview the current statistics stated in the articleIn 1 to 2 paragraphs or ½ page, post a summary of the article, discussing the reason you choose this article for your assignment. Then, include a comprehensive response of 600–750 words to the following questions:Does the article address a biomedical perspective, a prevention perspective, or both? Please explain. If you feel it only addresses one perspective, in what ways can the second perspective be addressed (i.e. through an education or prevention program, clinical trials, etc).What levels (or level) of the social ecology of health model are addressed in the topic? See p. 15, Figure 1.1 of your text. How do these levels apply populations affected with your Healthy People 2020 assigned focus area?NOTE: Post BOTH the article summary AND the comprehensive response together by Day 4 of week 5.Be sure to provide a hyperlink to the article that informed your response (if applicable) and cite and reference it appropriately in your response. If you need help with APA format for citing and referencing electronic sources and articles, please visit the Writing Center ( under the “APA” tab for examples.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Personal Health and Wellness___________________________________DISCUSSION BOARDThe Aging ProcessThe aging process is a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors; therefore each individual ages differently. For example, changes in body composition, body weight, and body systems are common effects of aging. It is essential for those who are aging to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease and infection. However, the end result of aging inevitably is death. Appropriate preparation for death contributes to well-being of family and friends and brings peace of mind to the dying.For this Discussion, consider the impact of aging on personal health and wellness and the importance of preparing for death.To prepare for this Discussion:Review Chapter 14 in Health: The Basics, 10th edition. Pay particular attention to aging and preparing for death.Complete the Chapter 14 Personal Health Assessment “Are You Afraid of Death?” in Health: The Basics, 10th edition.Think about preparing for death.Review the media “Dimensions of Health Wheel.” Select two dimensions of health and consider how the aging process might affect each of them.With these thoughts in mind:Select one of the two Discussion Questions.By Day 4, post a brief description of the two dimensions of health you selected. Then explain how the aging process might affect those dimensions. Finally, describe one strategy you might recommend to improve or enhance the two dimensions of health you selected for someone who is aging.ORBy Day 4, post an example of a situation in which preparation for death was either adequately planned or inadequately planned. Explain the results and the impact of those results on family and friends. Finally, explain how this situation might influence your own preparations for death and dying.________________________________________________________________________PROJECTRefer to the Final Project Guidelines and submit your Final Project by Day 7.Doucument: Final Project Guidelines (.pdf document)Note: This document provides guidlines and requirements for your final project.___________________________________RESOURCESDonatelle, R. J. (2013). Health: The basics, 10th edition. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.Chapter 12, “Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer”Chapter 13, “Protecting against Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases”Chapter 14, “Preparing for Aging, Death, and Dying”Meetoo, D. (2008). Chronic diseases: The silent global epidemic. British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 17(21), 1320–1325.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Luepker, R. V. (2011). Cardiovascular disease: Rise, fall, and future prospects. Annual Review of Public Health, 32, 1–3.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Document: Final Project Guidelines (.pdf document)Note: This document provides guidlines and requirements for your final project.MediaLaureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Personal Health and Wellness: Dimensions of Health Wheel [Multimedia], Baltimore, MD: Author.Dimension of Health: Week 5Optional ResourcesPhelan, E. A., Anderson, L. A., LaCriox, A. Z., & Larson, E. B. (2004). Older adults’ views of “successful aging” — How do they compare with researchers’ definitions? Journal of The American Geriatrics Society, 52(2), 211–216.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Emanuel, L., Bennett, K., & Richardson, V. E. (2007). The dying role. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 10(1), 159–168.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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