
Formatting:Margins are 1” or 1?“Full-block style (all paragraphs and lines begin flush left, except letterhead)Blank line between each paragraphFont should be Times New Roman 12pt (except for your name in the letterhead)ResumeIn a single page, you will create a resume appropriate for the specific job for which you are applying.  When creating this resume, think of what you want the employer to learn about you in under five seconds. Look at the organization, the appearance, and the information to determine whether the document you have created represents you at your best. You may use a different font besides 12pt Times New Roman for the body of the resume, but do not use more than two styles of fonts—one for headings, and one for text.I do not recommend you use the resume templates found in Microsoft Word. Some of these templates use bad design principles. They will also insert codes into your document that make changes nearly impossible to make.Your resume will contain the following elements in no more than five sections:Name and contact information (use the same letterhead design as the application letter)Career objectiveEducation (with anticipated date of graduation)Work experience (with dates, locations, and specific descriptions of your duties, using active verbs and incomplete sentence construction)Other relevant sections, such as Qualifications, Skills, Accomplishments & Awards, or Volunteer Work (with dates and locations)

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