Motivation and Emotional Intelligence
APA format, in-text citation,I. MotivationAnalyze the value of motivation. give an exxplanation of a professional experience where your degree of motivation impacted the outcomes of the situation. Recommend strategies as a health care administrator might use to motivate employees.2. Emotional IntelligenceAnalyze the value of emotional intelligence for organizational leaders. Explanation of a professional experience where the presence or lack of emotional intelligence impacted the outcome of the situation. Evaluate your emotional intelligence and recommend strateties used to enhance your own development.Resources:1. Goleman, D. (n.d.). Daniel Goleman. Retrieved from Ljungholm, D. P. (2014). Emotional intelligence in organizational behavior. Economics, Management and Financial Markets, 9(3), 128-1333. Olcer, F., Florescu, M. S., & Nastase, M. (2014). The effects of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence of managers on organizational citizenship behaviors of employees. Review of International Comparative Management, 15(4), 385-401. Retrieved from Phipps, S. T. A., Prieto, L. C., & Ndinguri, E. N. (2014). Emotional intelligence: Is it necessary for leader development. Journal of Leadership, Accountability & Ethics, 11(1), 73-89.5. Yadav, S. (2014). The role of emotional intelligence in organization development. IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(4), 49-59