
Assignment #1: MLK ANALYSIS & CRITIQUE. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS PAPER FIRST IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT #2! Your paper should be, at minimum, 500 words long. Please put your word count at the top by your name! I encourage you to read through the full text transcript of his speech BEFORE you watch it. You can find it in the appendix of our textbook.To complete the assignment you must watch the full/complete 17 minute version Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I47Y6VHc3MsAssignment #2: PERSUASION. You must complete assignment #1 before you will be able to complete assignment #2. Your paper should be, at minimum, 350 words long. Please put your word count at the top by your name.

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