HA535 Unit 9 Discussion
Using the Web Resources provided, identify a current epidemiological concern either at the local, national, or global level. Address the following questions:What is the epidemiological concern?What population is it affecting?What potential population may be affected if this concern is not addressed?What are the risk factors associated with the epidemiological concern?What public health recommendation can you make to alleviate your identified epidemiological concern?Based on the reading how might you evaluate the effectiveness of the evidenced-based strategies?Web Resources:http://www.who.int/topics/epidemiology/en/http://www.healthypeople.govhttp://www.drugabuse.gov/about-nida/organization/workgroups-interest-groups-consortia/community-epidemiology-work-group-cewghttp://www.cdc.gov/epo/http://www.ssa.gov/policy/about/epidemiology.htmlIn two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to Barbara Chestnut-adamson and Valencia MatilusBarbara Chestnut-adamsonThe epidemiological concern is the rise of vaping among America’s teenagers.The population it is effecting is all American teenagers, especially 10th-12th graders (NIH, 2018).The potential population that may be affected if the vaping concern if not addressed is all children and their parents.The risk factors associated with vaping are addiction, heart disease, lung inflammation, gum disease, and death (Vandergriendt, 2020).The public health recommendation for teenage vaping is to spread the word about the dangers of vaping. According to Dr. Taskiran, most teens believe that the gas that they are inhaling is 100% safe (Martinelli, 2020). For this to change, the government must increase fines for advertising or selling vaping products to underage teens. There also needs to be more public service announcements about the dangers of vaping. More literature needs to offered at doctors’ visits to parents addressing the risk of vaping.Evidence-based strategies can be useful when dealing with some populations, but trying to convince a teen with research evidence that their behavior is putting their life in danger will be tough. With 37.3% of all 12th graders reporting they are currently vaping compare to 27.8%, the year before means the numbers are trending up, and immediate health interventions are needed (NIH, 2018).ReferencesMartinelli, K. (2020). Teen vaping: what you need to know. Retrieved from https://childmind.org/article/teen-vaping-what-you-need-to-know/NIH. (2018). Teens using vaping devices in record number. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/news-events/news-releases/2018/12/teens-using-vaping-devices-in-record-numbersVandergriendt, C. (2020). Is vaping bad for you. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/is-vaping-bad-for-youValencia MatilusEpidemiological information is used to plan, and evaluate strategies to prevent the illness, and as a guide to the patients, and management to whom the diseases have already developed in their body’s. (Zewotir & Mwamba, 2019)Malaria is transmitted in five world health organizations. Global, an estimated 3.5 billion people and 93 countries have been affected with malaria, and developed other high risks 1.2 billion people. (Zewotir & Mwamba, 2019)Population has been affected though malaria in 2001 there are 219 million people cases of malaria global. In 2017 world health organizations reported a range 202-261 million people, and 436,000 malaria deaths. (Zewotir & Mwamba, 2019)The risk factors for clinical malaria infection have been provided information on the local states, for malaria epidemiology and had potential that have led to more effective strategies for malaria controls. Children under age 5 years old infants, 35-59 months majorities of the cases 61.9%. There are the risk factors for malaria infectious diseases. Most of the cases are the residence water and they have to use ITNs to help to filtrate the water. (Wright, 2019)Public health has recommended that people have to use proper hygiene, hands wash, social distance, and mask. Public health aims to improve quality care for treatment of malaria diseases. An advances in understanding the local epidemiology that had led to the best available models, target, and effective program to control malaria. (Wright, 2019)The best evidence has been developed for malaria cannot be strong, with the promised new tools, too detected, to treat, and prevent malaria. Includes new vaccines, medications and to improve the mechanisms for surveillance, and responses global for malaria vaccines pipelines. (Wright, 2019)ReferenceZewotir RT, Adele D. & Mamba, HP. (2019) Provenance and risks factors malaria Ethiopia. https://www.who.inttopics epidemiology.World health organization malaria reports (2018) Geneva.Wright K., Williams Terry. Wilkinson L. (2019) health development and important health needs assessments.
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