Unit 6 Discussion Respondese

On two diferet paragraph give your personal opinion to  Jared Richardson  and Gretchen StankewitzJared RichardsonTopic 1: I believe CS 204:   Professionalism – Theory and Practice in the Global Workplace will be the most challenging for me to demonstrate mastery of for my course outcomes.course outcomes: *Identify techniques for maintaining a professional presence. *Apply oral communication skills for promoting a professional image. *Assess professional goals for present and future career marketability.I believe it will be difficult because “professionalism” is more of an abstract concept. It is something that we know exists, but it is not something that is black and white and easy to prove. I will lean on my professional background and learning experiences to overcome this challenge and do my best to prove, through learning statements, my professionalism background.Topic 2: My Rookie School for the fire department is an example of experiential learning at the college level. I will incorporate that experience along with me certifications earned into my expanded resume.Gretchen StankewitzTOPIC ONEThe course I feel will give me the most trouble is HU245: Ethics. As a magistrate we are bound by the MI Code of Judicial Conduct. There are eight canons that deal with judicial ethics. I know what I can and can’t do and what is considered ethical, but I shudder when I read the course outcomes and try to formulate concise learning statements.The course outcome is as follows:*Compare various ethical theories. * Discuss the ethical reasoning of opposing perspectives. * Analyze the effects of ethical decision making on human behavior. * Analyze contemporary ethical issues. *Discuss the ethical reasoning of personal perspectives.In Bloom’s Taxonomy, “create” is the highest level of understanding. I can create a scenario where an ethical decision should be made and articulate that, but I don’t know that an example is what the evaluators are looking for.TOPIC TWOAn example of experiential learning I will provide to evaluators will be performing legal research. Performing legal research requires knowing where and how to do the research but also an understanding of the subject, making comparisons and conclusions and finally applying the findings to an argument.I submitted my learning autobiography to the writing center and found them very helpful. My evaluator helped me narrow some issues and reminded me what to focus on. I am looking forward to the feedback from my classmate as well.

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