MGMT 615
Imagine yourself to be a management consultant hired to understand the challenges and best practices of cross-cultural team management.You first would ensure you were informed with the knowledge needed for this particular situation: individual motivation, teaming, cultural values, individual/age cohort values. As multi-cultural teaming is dispersed in multiple regions around the world, it is important to have an understanding of how external forces and organizational structure impact this. Finally, the multi-cultural team is part of a company’s internal systems and processes for getting the work done—the learning organization model explains systems thinking.Read the articles provided in the weeks 4 & 5 course content area. Then read these two articles by Michelle LeBaron that explain with clarity the influence of cultural values upon a person’s behavior:LeBaron, M. (2003) Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences. Beyond Intractability. June 2003. Retrieved from, M. (2003) Cross-Cultural Communications. Beyond Intractability. July 2003. Retrieved from View the TEDx talk by Ricardo Fernandez on managing cross-cultural virtual teams:Fernandez, R. (2017) Managing Cross Cultural Remote Teams. TEDx IESE Barcelona. [Video] TEDx Talks. In an initial posting of approximately 500 words (due Tuesday midnight EST), address the following:Explain the factors (e.g. cultural values, age cohort, etc.—don’t limit to just these) influencing the behaviors of Fernandez and his team members. Give examples from his talk to exemplify your points when explaining these factors.Earlier in the course, we studied the forces in the environment external to an organization and how those impact the internal organization. Discuss that specific to Fernandez’s location and the known locations of his team members. How does this effect their ability to conduct teamwork?With all of this in mind, what relational and communication skills do you think are needed to manage cross-cultural virtual teams today?Berry, J. (2017) Creating Competitive Advantage Through People Timeless Time.Maximizing Human Capital with Innovative Talent Management Strategy. (2019). Air & Space Power Journal, 33(3), 69–82 Permalink: Hr Guide to the Galaxy (Or at Least Most of Earth). (2015). Forbes, 195(7), 90–91. Permalink:, J. (2019). Adding Value Through Talent Strategy and Diversity. People & Strategy, 42(4), 78–80. Permalink:, E., Schwatz, J., and Roy, I. (2019) Talent mobility: Winning the war on the homefront. 2019 Global Human Captial Trends. Chapter 17:J. Stewart Black, David S. Bright. (2019). OpenStax. Organizational Behavior. Houston, Texas. Book URL: Section URL: Reading/Viewing ResourcesBhatt, P. (2020). Perceived Organizational Culture across Generation, Tenure, and Gender: An Exploratory Study. Organization Development Journal, 38(1), 9–20., T. S. M., & GHIȚĂ, R. C. (2019). Organizational Culture from a Contemporary Perspective. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 21(2), 153–158., J., Hyter, M., & Orr, E. (2020). The Power of All. NACD Directorship, 46(1), 33. Permalink: Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential. FranklinCovey Chapter 5:J. Stewart Black, David S. Bright. (2019). OpenStax.Organizational Behavior. Houston, Texas. Book URL: Section URL: have put in the information that should be used.please use the school library website not online searches