Nursing Leadership, Health Assessment, Biology lab, Decision making (Due 20 hours)
Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.Parts 6 and 7 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.Parts 8, 9 and 10 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.APA format1) Minimum 5 pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per pageYou must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.The number of words in each paragraph should be similarPart 1: minimum 1 pagePart 2: minimum 1 pagePart 3: minimum 1 pagePart 4: minimum 1 pagePart 5: minimum 1 pagePart 6: minimum 10 pages (Some questions do not require a complete paragraph, they are identified with “***********”)Part 7: minimum 10 pages (Some questions do not require a complete paragraph, they are identified with “***********”)Part 8: minimum 5 pages (20 hours)Part 9: minimum 5 pages (20 hours)Part 10: minimum 5 pages (20 hours)Part 11: minimum 4 pages (40 hours)Part 12: minimum 2 pages (40 hours)Part 13: minimum 5 pages (24 hours)Extra Part 14: minimum 5 pages (24 hours)Submit 1 document per part2)¨******APA normsThe number of words in each paragraph should be similarMust be written in the 3 personAll paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphThe writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.Bulleted responses are not acceptedDon’t write in the first personDo not use subtitles or titlesDon’t copy and paste the questions.Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraphSubmit 1 document per part3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowedParts 6 and 7: Minimum 8 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)Parts 8, 9 and 10: Minimum 6 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)Part 11: Minimum 6 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)Part 12: Minimum 5 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)Part 13: Minimum 10 references (six references from literature review and 4 references for the data solicited) (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)Part 14: Minimum 5 references (six references from literature review and 4 references for the data solicited) (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the nextExample:Q 1. Nursing is XXXXXQ 2. Health is XXXXQ3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:Example:Part 1.docPart 2.doc__________________________________________________________________________________The number of words in each paragraph should be similarParts 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.Part 1: Nursing LeadershipWhich one is the scheduling options in your organization (Telemetry med surge floor)a. 8 hours with weekly rotationa. 8 hours with a monthly rotation1. Which one do you prefer (8 hours with weekly rotation) and why?2. Describe one advantage of this schedule selected3. Describe one disadvantage of this schedule selectedPart 2: Nursing LeadershipWhich one is the scheduling options in your organization (ICU nurse)a. 12 daytime hoursb. 12 night hours1. Which one do you prefer (12 night hours) and why?2. Describe one advantage of this schedule selected3. Describe one disadvantage of this schedule selectedPart 3: Nursing LeadershipWhich one is the scheduling options in your organization (PACU nurse and recovery)a. 12 hours without rotation during 3 monthsb. 8 or 6 hours with a weekly rotation1. Which one do you prefer (12 hours without rotation during 3 months) and why?2. Describe one advantage of this schedule selected3. Describe one disadvantage of this schedule selectedPart 4: Nursing LeadershipWhich one is the scheduling options in your organization (Medsurg/teelemtry step dow unity)a. 12-hour shifts per weekb. 10-hour shifts per week1. Which one do you prefer ( 10-hour shifts per week ) and why?2. Describe one advantage of this schedule selected3. Describe one disadvantage of this schedule selectedPart 5: Health assessmentFive paragraphs per pageCase 1: A 30-year-old female complaining of on and off abdominal pain radiating to her back and occurring after a heavy meal. She claims that she noticed her urine to be highly colored. She is sexually active with multiple partners but has an IUD on but has no plans of having children yet. She claims to drink alcohol since she was a teenager and smokes weed occasionally.Dx: Pancreatitis1. In one paragraph, stat the questions for the case´s complainsa. Onsetb. Localizationc. Durationd. Characteristicse. Aggravanting factorsf. Realive factorsg. Treatment2. What physical 3xam elements you would include, anda. What further testing you would want to have performed.3. Describe the positive findings that validate your main diagnosis according to:a. Generalb. Gastrointestinalc. Genitourinary4. Describe the negative findings that make you think of other differential diagnosesa. Gastroparesisb. Gallstones5. Treatment plan, including:a. Pharmacotherapy with complementaryb. OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing)c. Health education and lifestyle changesd. Aage-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.Part 6: Biology (48 hours)Watch the video Identify and describe the symmetry of each organism (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each organism)a. A peacock with its feathers spread (See reference: A sea fan (see reference: A sea urchins (See reference: symmetry of colonial animals is based on individuals.2. Compare each organism’s locomotion mode (if they move at all) (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”).a. A peacock with its feathers spread (See reference)i. A sea fan (See reference)ii. A sea urchin (See reference)b. Elaborate on how beneficial bilateral symmetry is in relation to locomotion.3. What are the two main phases of the jellyfish life cycle? (One paragraph).4. Indicate the common name and dominant phase of each of the classes listed in the phylum cnidaria ***********a. Anthozoa (common name and dominant phase )b. Hydrozoa (common name and dominant phase )c. Scyphozoa (common name and dominant phase)5. For Roundworms (nematodes) indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms6. For Annelids indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms7. For Flatworms indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms8. According to the “Question 8” file (One paragraph):a. Describe how the different body symmetries of cnidarians and segmented worms affect theiri. Movementii. Feeding behaviors9. Check (One paragraph) Compare the movements of each annelid class10. For Hexapoda explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples11. For crustaceans explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples12. For myriapods explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples13. For chelicerates explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples14. Classify each organism below into the correct phylum. Each phylum should only be used once ***********Phylum options:PoriferaCnidariaPlatyhelminthesNematodaMolluscaAnnelidaArthropodaEchinodermataa. Octopusb. Earthwormc. Lobsterd. Sea stare. Jellyfishf. Roundwormg. Flatwormh. Sea sponge15. According to the organism Starfish, answer questions 15 to 21. Identify the location structure, system they belong and function (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a, b, and c”; One paragraph for “d, e and f”; and One paragraph for “g, h and i”)i. Location options:AboralOralinternalii. The system they belong to options:External AnatomyNervousSkeletalRespiratoryDigestiveCirculatoryReproductiveiii. Function.a. Ambulacral groovesb. Madreporitec. Papulaed. Pedicellariaee. Peristomial membranef. Peritoneumg. Perivisceral coelomh. Pyloric stomachi. Tiedemann’s bodies16. Compare a sea star’s vision to ours (One paragraph):a. What is/are the main difference(s)?17. What structures are connected to the circumoral nerve ring?(One paragraph):18. What is one hypothesis that could explain why sea stars can (One paragraph):regenerate a lost arm?19. What is a sea star’s endoskeleton made of?(One paragraph):20. Name the three places where circulation within a sea star occurs.(One paragraph):21. During sea star reproduction, is gamete fertilization internal or external?(One paragraph):22. According to the organism Squid, answer questions 22 to 24. Identify the location structure, the system they belong and the function (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a, b, and c”; One paragraph for “d, e and f”i. Location options:DorsalVentralExternalInternal)ii. The system they belong to options:External AnatomyNervousSkeletalRespiratoryDigestiveCirculatoryReproductiveiii. Function.a. Brachial gangliab. Chromatophoresc. Ctenidiad. Gladiuse. Hectocotylusf. Siphon23. What happens when a squid quickly tightens its collar and squeezes its mantle? (One paragraph):a. What is the main purpose of doing this?24. How many does a squid have of each one ***********a. Armsb. Tentaclesc. Beak partsd. HeartsPart 7: Biology (48 hours)Watch the video Identify and describe the symmetry of each organism (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each organism)a. A peacock with its feathers spread (See reference: A sea fan (see reference: A sea urchins (See reference: symmetry of colonial animals is based on individuals.2. Compare each organism’s locomotion mode (if they move at all) (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”).a. A peacock with its feathers spread (See reference)i. A sea fan (See reference)ii. A sea urchin (See reference)b. Elaborate on how beneficial bilateral symmetry is in relation to locomotion.3. What are the two main phases of the jellyfish life cycle? (One paragraph).4. Indicate the common name and dominant phase of each of the classes listed in the phylum cnidaria ***********a. Anthozoa (common name and dominant phase )b. Hydrozoa (common name and dominant phase )c. Scyphozoa (common name and dominant phase)5. For Roundworms (nematodes) indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms6. For Annelids indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms7. For Flatworms indicate (One paragraph):a. Phyla namesb. Main characteristicsc. Explain how they contribute to the function of organisms8. According to the “Question 8” file (One paragraph):a. Describe how the different body symmetries of cnidarians and segmented worms affect theiri. Movementii. Feeding behaviors9. Check (One paragraph) Compare the movements of each annelid class10. For Hexapoda explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples11. For crustaceans explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples12. For myriapods explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples13. For chelicerates explain (One paragraph):a. Body characteristicsb. Habitatsc. provide two examples14. Classify each organism below into the correct phylum. Each phylum should only be used once ***********Phylum options:PoriferaCnidariaPlatyhelminthesNematodaMolluscaAnnelidaArthropodaEchinodermataa. Octopusb. Earthwormc. Lobsterd. Sea stare. Jellyfishf. Roundwormg. Flatwormh. Sea sponge15. According to the organism Starfish, answer questions 15 to 21. Identify the location structure, system they belong and function (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a, b, and c”; One paragraph for “d, e and f”; and One paragraph for “g, h and i”)i. Location options:AboralOralinternalii. The system they belong to options:External AnatomyNervousSkeletalRespiratoryDigestiveCirculatoryReproductiveiii. Function.a. Ambulacral groovesb. Madreporitec. Papulaed. Pedicellariaee. Peristomial membranef. Peritoneumg. Perivisceral coelomh. Pyloric stomachi. Tiedemann’s bodies16. Compare a sea star’s vision to ours (One paragraph):a. What is/are the main difference(s)?17. What structures are connected to the circumoral nerve ring?(One paragraph):18. What is one hypothesis that could explain why sea stars can (One paragraph):regenerate a lost arm?19. What is a sea star’s endoskeleton made of?(One paragraph):20. Name the three places where circulation within a sea star occurs.(One paragraph):21. During sea star reproduction, is gamete fertilization internal or external?(One paragraph):22. According to the organism Squid, answer questions 22 to 24. Identify the location structure, the system they belong and the function (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a, b, and c”; One paragraph for “d, e and f”i. Location options:DorsalVentralExternalInternal)ii. The system they belong to options:External AnatomyNervousSkeletalRespiratoryDigestiveCirculatoryReproductiveiii. Function.a. Brachial gangliab. Chromatophoresc. Ctenidiad. Gladiuse. Hectocotylusf. Siphon23. What happens when a squid quickly tightens its collar and squeezes its mantle? (One paragraph):a. What is the main purpose of doing this?24. How many does a squid have of each one***********a. Armsb. Tentaclesc. Beak partsd. HeartsParts 8, 9 and 10 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.Part 8: Decision-making (20 hours)Topic/ current issue: Recurrent readmissions,mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for staff,higher pay for travel nursesAccording to the topic explain:1. Introduction (One paragraph)2. Describe that calls into question the alignment of values between an organization and the values of the clinical nurse/advanced practice nurse (Two paragraphs)3. Describe how its impacts staff nurse engagement and patient outcomes.(Two paragraphs)4. Discuss how a nurse can use effective relational inquiry models and practical approaches to overcome this current issue (Two paragraphs)5. Describe their resulting workplace challenges (Two paragraphs)6. How to encourage collaboration across groups, and (Two paragraphs)a. Promote effective problem-solving.b. How to incorporate the system needs and the culture of health may influence the outcomes.7. How does this current issue relate to health promotion and disease prevention in the larger picture? (Two paragraphs)8. Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of clinical nurse/advanced practice nurses did or did not align (Two paragraphs)a. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.Part 9: Decision-making (20 hours)Topic/ current issue: Mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for staffhigher pay for travel nursesAccording to the topic explain:1. Introduction (One paragraph)2. Describe that calls into question the alignment of values between an organization and the values of the clinical nurse/advanced practice nurse (Two paragraphs)3. Describe how its impacts staff nurse engagement and patient outcomes.(Two paragraphs)4. Discuss how a nurse can use effective relational inquiry models and practical approaches to overcome this current issue (Two paragraphs)5. Describe their resulting workplace challenges (Two paragraphs)6. How to encourage collaboration across groups, and (Two paragraphs)a. Promote effective problem-solving.b. How to incorporate the system needs and the culture of health may influence the outcomes.7. How does this current issue relate to health promotion and disease prevention in the larger picture? (Two paragraphs)8. Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of clinical nurse/advanced practice nurses did or did not align (Two paragraphs)a. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.Part 10: Decision-making (20 hours)Topic/ current issue: Higher pay for travel nursesAccording to the topic explain:1. Introduction (One paragraph)2. Describe that calls into question the alignment of values between an organization and the values of the clinical nurse/advanced practice nurse (Two paragraphs)3. Describe how its impacts staff nurse engagement and patient outcomes.(Two paragraphs)4. Discuss how a nurse can use effective relational inquiry models and practical approaches to overcome this current issue (Two paragraphs)5. Describe their resulting workplace challenges (Two paragraphs)6. How to encourage collaboration across groups, and (Two paragraphs)a. Promote effective problem-solving.b. How to incorporate the system needs and the culture of health may influence the outcomes.7. How does this current issue relate to health promotion and disease prevention in the larger picture? (Two paragraphs)8. Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of clinical nurse/advanced practice nurses did or did not align (Two paragraphs)a. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.Part 11: Ethical and legal aspects in nursing (40 hours)Topíc: Should Pediatric patients have the right to stop their treatments?1. Introduction (One paragraph)2. According to two different research authors (Two paragraphs: One paragraph per each research)a. Describe two negative ethical implications for nurse leaders and the healthcare system3. According to two different research authors (Two paragraphs: One paragraph per each research)a Describe 2 positive ethical implications for nurse leaders and the healthcare system4. According to two different research authors (Two paragraphs: One paragraph per each research)a. Describe 2 ethical practices that are intended to be preserved by not allowing the topic (Two paragraphs: One paragraph per each ethical practice)5. Describe the ethical implications of limiting the Pediatric patient’s rights (One paragraph)6. 5. Describe the ethical implications of allowing Pediatric patients rights without parental supervision (One paragraph)7. Conclusion (One paragraph)Part 12: Nursing and the aging familyTopic: cerebrovascular accidents (CVA)1. Describe the disease in elderly patients (1 paragraph)2. Describe 3 common risk factors (1 paragraph)3. Describe 3 common symptoms (1 paragraph)4. Describe the nursing care for (1 paragraph):a. Maintaining independenceb. Limiting further injury5. Describe two Web sites that provide information about maintaining independence (2) and ltwo Web sites that provide information about imiting further injury in older adults with neurological deficits (1 paragraph)6. Conclusion (1 paragraph)Part 13: Literature reviewTopic: HyperlipidemiaPICOT question: In mid-age female hispanic patients with hyperlipidemia, how does lifestyle modifications combined with pharmacologic treatment vs pharmacologic treatment alone, improves the overall cholesterol level during 15 weeks?Population: Female hispanic patients with hyperlipidemiaHealth problem: Cholesterol levelTime: 15 WEEKSIntervention: lifestyle modifications combined with pharmacologic treatmentComparison: pharmacologic treatment alone1. Introduction (Two paragraphs)a. Introduce the topic of the paper.b. Describe the health problemc. Describe data and statisticsi. Nationalii. Regional (Miami)d. Purpose statemente. What will be addressed in the proposed program2. Describe the vulnerable population including (One paragraph per each request: 2, 2a, and 2b= Total of Three paragraphs) :a. Describe the impact of social determinants on health for your selected population.b. Describe the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population3. Literature review of six research attached (one paragraph per paper= Total of six paragraphs)a. Literature reviewb. Source titlec. Problem/purposed. Samplee. Methodf. findingsg. limitations4. Make a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all papers (one paragraph).5. Proposal (Three paragraphs)a. Make a proposal addressing the health problem using an evidence-based intervention in your literature search to address the problem in the selected population/settingb. Include thorough information on the specifics of this intervention which includei. Resources necessaryii. Professionals involvediii. Feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role.iv. Timeline for the intervention proposed.Extra part 14: ADPIE in nursing1. Introduction (One paragraph)2. what is ADPIE (Five paragraphs: One paragraph per each one: Total of five paragraphs)a. Assessmentb. Diagnosisc. Planningd. Implementatione. Evaluation3. Give one example of EACH step (ADPIE) (Five paragraphs: One paragraph per each example: Total five paragraphs)a. Assessmentb. Diagnosisc. Planningd. Implementatione. Evaluation3. How is ADPIE useful to you as a future professional and in your personal life? (three paragraphs)4. Conclusion (One paragraph)
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