Fall discusion1
View the two videos linked below then answer the discussion question provided.From the timeline, you are aware that in the 1960s it was decided that the mentally ill should be provided care/ treat in their communities. This video will explain this process in greater detail.https://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=106986&xtid=32651&loid=28391This is another segment of the same movie, explaining how communities in the different states were unable to meet client needs. As a result, many became homeless at that time, and many with a mental health disorder are homeless todayhttps://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=106986&xtid=32651&loid=28392Initial PostDo you think the mental health system in our country today functions well, or is it broken? Why or why not?Support your choice with at least two examples and one credible resource.Response PostsExplain why you agree or disagree with at least two other classmates’ responsesProvide at least two examples and one credible resource to support each response
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