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I NEED A POSITIVE COMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 100-120 WORDSMy EBP project involves the early mobility of ICU and its effect on hospital length of stay. When evaluating the results of an EBP project the independent and dependent variables are collected to measure success. Independent variables are those that stand alone and are not changed by other variables (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.). In my project the independent variable is early mobility. Dependent variables are those that depend on other factors (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.). The dependent variable in my project is the length of stay in the hospital. The independent variable is the one that is manipulated in order to influence the dependent variable (Shuttleworth & Wilson, 2008). Implementation of an early mobility protocol for ICU patients should have a positive effect on patients by decreasing the hospital length of stay. Ideally data would be collected on ICU patients before implementation of the protocol then again a month after starting the protocol. This would give baseline hospital length of stay data on current practice, no early mobility protocol, compared to hospital length of stay after early mobility is implemented.ReferencesNational Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). What are independent and dependent variables? . Retrieved from Graphing Tutorial:, M., & Wilson, L. (2008). Dependent variable. Retrieved from Explorable:
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