paragraph narrative
Find and review two (2) articles meeting the definition of “External Authoritative Sources” (noted below), that discuss diverse populations in healthcare policy in the US or other country.- Provide a brief paragraph narrative (one paragraph (min 400 word) required for each of the two (2) requiredExternal Authoritative Sources” for purposes of this course shall mean articles from published books, peer reviewed journal articles, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc.,) provided, the article selected must have:5.1 Authors; and5.2 In text citations and references to support statements made therein.5.3 Under no circumstances are newspapers (e.g., the Wall Street Journal), blogs (regardless of source), editorials, panel discussions, definition of terms, the assigned case study, “dot com” sites, and textbooks from the course or other courses to be used. The foregoing are not considered authoritative for this course.
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