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Please reply to each student post with a post with 3 refences APA format no older than 5 years.Student 1Erica Simplice,I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post on artificial intelligence (AI). I agree that being able to manage big data using AI is a benefit in healthcare. A benefit to AI is that it has machine learning capabilities that can assist healthcare providers in selecting the best treatment course for a patient (“Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare & Hospitals”, n.d.). This new adaption of AI can provide better patient outcomes and lower costs in healthcare since patients will have higher success rates on surgeries and procedures. Unfortunately, AI does come with many disadvantages. According to Vij et al., AI being used in terms of big data can cause issues by not having enough safety when it comes to patient data (2020). This type of technology can be susceptible to phishing and hacking leaving patients’ protected health information vulnerable. Even though there has been progress in creating better firewalls and safety features, this technology will never be able to protect patients’ information 100%.Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare & hospitals. (n.d.). ForeSee Medical., A., Saini, S., & Bathla, R. (2020). Big data in healthcare: technologies, need, advantages, and disadvantages. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 1301–1305. 2Jamie Ward,Great work Caesar! I too strongly believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will be revolutionized. I also think it’s great how you made the connection that AI will be applied to telehealth. I made the same connection in my discussion post this week as well.There are many reasons exemplifying how AI contributes to the future of healthcare. For one, AI will help decrease the cost of medicine by reducing the amount of time it takes researchers to develop treatment methods. Supercomputers are enhanced with smart technology that utilizes databases to process protein structures and teach the hard drive how to penetrate cells (Kwo, 2021). This process will drastically speed up the time medicine hit the market.Although this is just one of many examples how AI will transcend the future of healthcare technology, there will be many opposing the idea. Legislature will undeniably protest the ethical issues encompassing AI. Many have already argued the issue behind robots assuming hard working people’s jobs. Individuals feel threatened that once AI truly penetrates the market, there will be no stopping the rippling-effect of the replacement of jobs (Bossmann, 2016).ReferencesBossmann, J. (2016, October 21). Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence., L. (2021, July 01). Contributed: top 10 uses for AI in healthcare. From drug discovery to forecasting kidney disease a I could be the next game changer in healthcare. Mobihealthnews.

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