FLE project, part1

I have attached the instructions in the uploaded file below , please read and follow instructions carefullyTopic: The topic that I will be covering for my FLE project is “ Teaching parents skills on how to assist elementary school children ages 5-12 with Autism (ASD), to further develop their motor and prelinguistic skills in a classroom. Autism is a Neurodevelopment disorder which causes challenges when it comes to social skills , communication, speech, behavior, etc. There is a variety of skills that children with Autism can practice at home as well as the classroom to further their development, as well as to further exceed in their environment. Some sub topics will include ways to assist with gross motor skills like running and building, fine motor skills like drawing and feeding themselves, and speech tactics such as expressing themselves and identifying emotions. I hope to bring attention and awareness to the autistic community and learn better skills to possess if I ever have to help in a situation dealing with autistic children.

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