Rate Calculations- Must use attachment to complete assignment- 2-3 pages- APA- MUST SHOW
Please read below statement:IMPORTANT PLEASE READ FULL INSTRUCTIONS. NO PLAGIARISM! NO QUOTES, MUST PARAPHRASE. I WILL CHECK FOR RECYCLED WORK AND PLAGIARISM. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE 12/19/21 AT 9PM PST. IF YOU CANT MEET THIS DEADLINE, DONT AGREE TO DO MY ASSIGNMENT. PRICE ISNT NEGOTIABLE. PLEASE UNDERSTAND BY ACCEPTING TO DO MY WORK, I HAVE STRICT RULES. I DONT LIKE TO DISPUTE, BUT I WILL IF DIRECTIONS ARENT BEING FOLLOWED. IF I SEE SOMETHING WRONG AFTER PURCHASING, I WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO FIX IT IMMEDIATELY. THIS DOESNT MEAN HOURS LATER. IF YOU TURN SOMETHING INTO ME EARLY, I EXPECT YOU TO FIX MY ASSIGNMENT IMMEDIATELY. DONT LIE TO ME, IF THESE RULES ARENT FOLLOWED, I WILL DISPUTEUsing the table below, reproduced from page 152 of the Friis and Sellers (2014) text, calculate age-specific death rates for the category of malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus, and lung. What inferences can be made from the age-specific death rates for malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus, and lung?Table 3A-1: Malignant Neoplasms of Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Deaths by Age Group, United States, 2003:Age (Years)PopulationMalignant Neoplasms ofTrachea, Bronchus, andLung* Deaths25–3439,872,59815435–4444,370,5942,47845–5440,804,59912,37455–6427,899,73630,95665–7418,337,04449,386Using tables Table 3A-2 and Table 3A-3below, reproduced from page 153 of the Friis and Sellers (2014) text, answer the assignment questions found after the tables.Table 3A–2Mortality by Selected Age Groups, Males and Females, United States, 2003:MalesFemalesTotalAge (Years)PopulationNumber of DeathsPopulationNumber of DeathsPopulationNumber of Deaths15–1910,518,6809,7069,959,7893,88920,478,46913,59520–2410,663,92214,96410,063,7725,00920,727,69419,97325–3420,222,48628,60219,650,11212,69839,872,59841,30035–4422,133,65956,43522,236,93533,02644,370,59489,46145–5420,043,656110,68220,760,94366,09940,804,599176,781Table 3A–3Total Mortality from Selected Causes, Males and Females, United States, 2003:Cause of DeathMalesFemalesTotalAll Causes1,201,9641,246,3242,448,288Accidents70,53238,745109,277Malignant Neoplasms287,990268,912556,902Alzheimer’s Disease18,33545,12263,457Infant Deaths15,90212,12328,025Maternal DeathsNA495495For purposes of calculation:The total population is 2003 was 290,810,789 (males = 143,037,290; females = 147,773,499).For 2003, total number of live births was 4,089,950.In your Week Two assignment, please answer the following questions related to the measures of morbidity and mortality:Calculate the crude death rates (per 100,000) for accidents, malignant neoplasms, and Alzheimer’s disease. Repeat these calculations for males and females separately.Calculate the cause-specific death rates (per 100,000) for accidents, malignant neoplasms, and Alzheimer’s disease. Repeat these calculations for males and females separately.What are the Proportional Mortality Ratios (PMR) (percent) for accidents, malignant neoplasms, and Alzheimer’s disease? Repeat these calculations for males and females separately.Calculate the maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births).Calculate the infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births).Calculate the crude birth rate (per 1,000 population).When answering questions in your Week Two AssignmentShow calculations for solving problems using an equation editor, a clear photo, or scan of legible pen or pencil calculations either saved as an image and inserted into to your assignment document or attached as a .pdf file.If doing the later, your .pdf image should be descriptively named using the following format: lastnamefirstinitialWeek1AssignmentQuestion.pdf. For example, Jane Smith would save her file as jsmithWeek2AssignmentQuestionA.pdf.
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